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pesky halftone dots


Hi guys, it's been a while since I used this forum. But if anyone knows how it's done it's in this forum.
I have just aquired a copy of my great grandmother, unfortunatly it came from a newspaper or a magazine. However I would like to remove the halftoning and then later colorize it. The latter should be no problem as I've done tht before, but those pesky halftones have me stumped. I have tried using gaussian blur and unsharp mask but it looks a bit iffy if you know what I mean.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreaciated[/img]
Aaaaah, sorry Ants... but that's just a hair-pulling session waiting to happen. You can 'hide' them to some degree, but removing them to any satisfactory level will be a fruitless endevour indeed.

Sorry. \:]
You can have some success with a little effort and a plug-in called the Scanwizard Descreen filter.

Check out the results here.
At the very simplest, scanning at a very high resolution may help minimize the halftone somewhat.
Here is a little better explanation.
Good Luck!

Well I guess I will have to settle for a smaller picture size. After reading the artices you pointed out,basicly what their saying is scan the picture at the highest resolution possible than decrease the image size. I gave it a fly and it kind of works.
When You see the total picture it should make a half decent picture.
Actually ya i was gonna mention the rescaling technique. Must've fell asleep on that. :\

It looks better though now ants. You should have no trouble colourizing it and that should help a little more to remove what little traces of the pattern are still visible.

It now would be easier to remove any further pattern using the "dupe layer, gBlur/Median, repair Mask" technique. It's outlined here.

Thanks for the link to your tutorial. I'll get stuck into that tomorow, And post the result when I finish. I have learnt a new trick by going through this exercise. That's a positive outcome. :perfect:
Ok, here's a quick and dirty before and after. I'll have to go over your tutorial again as my layer masing skill is a bit rusty. But I pulled Gare's book down of the shelf and I'm boning up on the subject.
Hey that's no so bad altogether Ants.
Go ahead and bone-up on Masks and run through it again. You're almost there.

TIP: keep a close eye on the colour tints used. Don't make them too exaggerated. Remember to keep them a little less saturated than you'd normally see on your computer monitor. ;)
It's an enormous job, I know, but I would first scan it far too large, then zoom in untill I saw the pixels, select a white one, then select similar, grow the selection two pixels or so and try Gaussian Blur on that. Then, I would apply a scale down and finally sharpen (always sharpen at the very end of what you do)
I know, this is a trick to get rid of dead area's, but it might work better than simply blurring the whole pic.
Erik said:
It's an enormous job, I know, but I would first scan it far too large, then zoom in untill I saw the pixels, select a white one, then select similar, grow the selection two pixels or so and try Gaussian Blur on that.

That's a great idea, Erik. I've been following this thread because I didn't have the slightest idea how to accomplish what Ants (that last colorization is getting there!) is trying to do and was interested in the solution.
Wow Erik That's amazing, I tried your suggestion quickly with the sampe eyes from my first post and you can see the size increase is considerable. I will have to paractice this techniqe to get it just right but I think it's a goer.
I was hoping it would be a little easer...but
tried: median filter with 2 looks ok
tried: dust and scratch 3 / 6 looks good

Then I pulled out what I think is the grandady of clean up...
Grain Surgery plugin
Just ran it again ...I've always like this beast...can it be done in PS sure.. but this is two click stuff.
Hi lasa,
The image although an improvement it still looks a little blurred and you can still see the pattern.
Well I have had some interesting results playing with imageJ. It definitely works. What you do is go to Pocess/FFT this will bring up a new window filled with dark gray and a symetrical pattern of stars. Next you erase the centre star. If you make a small erase of the centre star the image is blurred. The bigger the erased circle, the sharper the image becomes. Be careful not to erase the other stars or the image turns black. To turn it back into a picture again you go to Process/IFFT If all workes OK you should have an image that has eliminated the the dots and kept the image fairly crisp. Then you save the file as a tiff or jpeg and open it in photoshop.

Here's the link to ImageJ for those who are interested. http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/
