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photoshop to make a website ?


can i make design the look of a website in photoshop and then crop it up ?? if so what size dose the page have to be to design the layout in photoshop if you get what i mean ?
apoloies, the site iis very slow as of late, just bear with i'm sure someone will come to help shortly.
In answer to your question Yes you can design websites fully in photoshop the 2 main methods are do the design and then slice it and import it into Dreamweaver that will code it and upload it to your site.

The second option is to buy a plugin called sitegrinder a very simple plugin that will convert psd Documents to websites and upload them.

Lynda.com and Kelby training do a course fully on designing and creating websites in photoshop and exporting them to dreamweaver.

The size is up to you and depending on your host site.
960 - 1000 px width, 1500 px height would be great for size!
I've seen some great, in-depth tutorials on Deviantart about this sort of thing. Hope that helps a little!

Cheers - Amanda
