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Photoshop Windows CS4 Screen Delays



Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
AMD Processor
12 Gig Memory
500 gig Drive

CS4 version 11.0.2
Memory allocated 8050
Scratch Disk C
History & Cache
History 20
Cache Level 4

I have been using CS4 on my system for some time now, and sarting to notice it getting delays when opening a image, or trying to drag a crop outline? Mostly I notice it when I am trying to drag a crop mark around an image and I start to drag the point and it may take 3-5 seconds before the cursor line starts to appear? If I reboot the system, it will work fine for awhile, but then get gradually worse? I deleted old temp files and verified correct graphics card driver. Am I missing something in the settings.

Thanks Jr

Thank you for the quick reply. I did try that thinking it was corrupt. Still happens.

Thanks Jr
It could be early signs of graphic card problems.. In general, how is your computer running other applications.. video, music?

Try lowering or raising the RAM allocation for CS.

Over all fine. But good call on the card. Is there anyway to test the card. Right now I have the memory allocation set to 8053.

Thanks Jr
Or adjust your cache levels and history states to a lower or default setting.

You can also try run a Disk Scan check , Clean up and Defrag... routine things I do to ensure my design applications run efficiently.
OK, thank you

Right now I have history set to 20 and cache set to 4. Should I have enabled OpenGL?

Thanks Jr
History and Cache are at default. If your card supports Open GL..... yes. But not sure if it will help. As you've said you've used CS for some time now before you had these problems.

But the way I see it, you may need to do a bit of maintenance which I outlined above.

Here's a situation in a another forum which seems similar to yours... http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1514272 ..... on page 2 , he seemed to have solved the problem but recurred after sometime.

I do the maintenance regularly, seems to be a good practice anyway. I am trying what the link recommended, disable vsync. If that happens I will disable OpenGL and see what happens. I will post back an update.

Thanks Jr
Have u installed any new plugins, actions , brushes, etc lately? If one of them is corrupt or conflicts with some other plugin , that can slow or even freeze PS booting. I had this happen a year or 2 ago when I installed some new SW from onOne. There was a conflict between DLL versions.

