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Pic on top of a layer...


New Member
I tried to get it to work...but never worked out, the layer would always cover up the pic... [doh] ...so if someone could just tell me how to...I can't figure it out... :(|
Hmm...well, for starters, there's the layers pallette. If you are unsure of where this is you can always go to Window-->Layers. The stacking order in this pallette is the way layers will stack up. If there are transparent parts in your upper layer, then the parts in the underlying layer will show through these. Otherwise, one layer will always be on top of the other. There is no "Send to Back" command in Photoshop like many other programs, which is where you might have gotten confused. To get one layer under another is a matter of dragging the item down in the layers pallette. Hope this helps! Welcome to the board! You'll find many people here to answer your questions, but don't ever shy away from experimentation. :}
