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Print to PDF issue


New Member
I've got a 30"x42" presentation board that I put together in photoshop. Normally I would have just used illustrator and probably not have had the same issue, however, now I have a ponderous file that doesn't like to do what I tell it to do. The PSD was about 1GB then I merged/flattened to about 650MB but it still wouldn't save as a jpeg or print to PDF. I'm moderately sure I can send the tiff version to the printer without a problem (even at that same whopping 650MB) but I wanted something a bit more user friendly to show off. I dread scaling because I created the thing to be 30X42 @ 300dpi and I'm afraid of distortion plus I'd like something smaller to keep on hand in case I need to print again at a later date without it taking up so much space.

If there are further methods of file shrinkage, some better way to make it a pdf I'd appreciate the input. Even if I can't do squat someone saying "Stop looking you moran" would be helpful.
try saving as an .eps, if successful, distill the .eps to pdf using the quality printing job option. open the pdf in Acrobat Pro ( not Reader ) and optimize it. this will reduce the file size. If you send a 650m file to your printer, they'll probably never speak to you again. Distilling will also reduce the file size some.
