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problem with a banner 728x90px


New Member
Hi everyone. I am new to photoshop but I have a question.

I created a banner for a website on CS6. The banner is basically advertising my business for it to be put on an advertising website. I followed all instructions...I 'saved to for web' after using the slice tool to make it so the banner was clickable as to redirect people to my website - I got a shortcut on my desktop. I clicked on it and all was well...it was visible and clickable. I then sent the file by email to the person and she opened the file...she could click on the banner (or where is was supposed to be) and it directed her to my website but there was no image. Is there some kind of HTML code needed for it to be visible elsewhere? Could someone please help. Thank you!
Where do you get the HTML? What does the woman who will advertise our banner for her website need?
1) Host the image (make it accessible via http request) by uploading it on an image hosting site. Google "image hosting" for some options.
2) When you upload the image, it will give you a url to your image, I'll call this image-url.
3) You also have a link to your client's page, I'll call this clients-url.
4) I would post the html but I probably can't on this forum so: google "html how to make an image link" and follow a tutorial in how to create the link. The clients-url will go in the "a" tag "href" attribute and the image-url will go in the "img" tag "src" attribute. This will hopefully be more obvious when you read a tutorial.
5) Wherever this advertisement is being posted will paste this link html into their page html.

tl;dr A link is not an intrinsic property of the image. Instead, html that surrounds your image makes the link. You may not need to do this for your client.
