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Radial Distort


New Member

Is it possible in PS7 to distort a label to fit a normal plastic container?
Normaly the top radius is larger than the lower one.

I found a company called Telegraphics that have a Radial Distort plugin but it was for Illustrator.

Welcome to the forum igon! :)

I hope that I understand your question correctly! Do you mean this? [confused]

And If so, this effect is quickly achieved in PS with the use of the "Create Warped Text" option. ;)
Hi igon...

Wendy... i think igon means like putting a label on a can of soup... right igon?

If so...
Checkout Stroker's Website. He's got a ton of stuff on how to use the Displace Filter. Which would be the best method of getting the effect you're asking about.


If you need any, i'm sure he can help you out understanding his tutes. I can also help too if you need any.
Hi there!

Yes, that is what I meant, wrapping a label around a container, not exactly a can of soup since the diameter of it at both the top and the bottom is the same but more like a butter's plastic container. I did check the link, tons of great info about the Displacement Filter. I would play around with it. I would love to know how the people that print this containers does it. There has to be a plugin somewhere.

Greetings and many thanks.
Yeah,Cannify! In page 3, I show that you can get top/bottom difference with 3D Transform.

A few other things to look into (Google good!):
B7 Somebody had to be the first to jump in and "guess"! :\

I'm glad to see that Stroker has been able to help you out igon! ;)
