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Recreating the image style


Hi, it's been a while since I came by or even posted on forum. Had to juggle between work and school. Anyway, right now Im on vacation and I thought, what better way to spend time then to practice photoshop skills. I want to recreate style of Sleeping Dogs video game cover, but it seems I cant find any tutorial or explanation on the interwebz. So I would really appreciate if someone could send me in the right direction. Mostly I wanna know how to create these comic style faces in cover. I started learning illustrator too, so it wont be a problem if there is something vector based in he images. Thanks a lot

I don't think there is a "technique" that will achieve the above, not with the same nice edges & sharpness. If I were to attempt this, I would probably do it this way.

Open up a photo of a face in Illustrator
Use the trace function to trace it, setting it to color, but only using say 25 colors (experiment with this)
This will leave the edges still not perfect, so I would lock the traced result, and use it as a guide to draw my own with the Pen tool. You would obviously have to use your eye where to add the shadow & light sections, but the trace should help you with that.

As with most things Ps and Ai related, there are multiple ways to achieve an end result, but that would be my 1st try. Maybe give it a go and see how it pans out. :)

You can achieve a comic style line art effect by hand drawing the relevant sections. Scanning it, the loading up in Ps. Now, it may take some level adjusting to get the pencil art separated from the white paper background. (had a look for a tut to link you, but couldn't find the one I was looking for, but there are definitely tuts on this.)

Hope that gets you started.
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It can be done in PS , With lots of layers and effort...AI would be better as stated....But with PS I would use Topaz plugins after putting the images in separate layers and masking. You can convert images to pencil drawn in PS, then using Topaz, remove surface details, sharpen edges, and you have the "cartoon" type effect...
