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Specific Remove person in back


I really love this photo but would love if the person in the back was gone and just blended with the sky. Thanks for any help or attempt if you all have time to spare.86ACE9B8-5F40-42F6-AFF9-C6CDCE304E16.jpeg
I really like how you got the fine hairs at the top of her hair line insolated from the male behind her. Can you give me an idea on how you did that? My approach didn't get anywhere that close to an accurate selection. Very well done.
I'd like to say that I used some tool to selectively isolate those hairs (and I do have some sophisticated plugins to do this) but it was easier to fake it. I cut erroneous hairs from his head, fiddled with the background color, feathered the edge and used an appropriate blending mode, or not. The hairs were stretched distorted or flipped to orient them to where I needed them.
I'd like to say that I used some tool to selectively isolate those hairs (and I do have some sophisticated plugins to do this) but it was easier to fake it. I cut erroneous hairs from his head, fiddled with the background color, feathered the edge and used an appropriate blending mode, or not. The hairs were stretched distorted or flipped to orient them to where I needed them.

Well done. Thanks for the reply.
I'd like to say that I used some tool to selectively isolate those hairs (and I do have some sophisticated plugins to do this) but it was easier to fake it. I cut erroneous hairs from his head, fiddled with the background color, feathered the edge and used an appropriate blending mode, or not. The hairs were stretched distorted or flipped to orient them to where I needed them.

Good one teach! :silly: Nice technique. I would have used brush pics of hair and messed with feathering and color and whatnot. Takes some skill to cut out the "erroneous hairs" (love the expression) and make all the adjustments you did! Impressive job.
Clare!!! Great to see you my dear friend! Thanks for dropping in and offering some great advice. Your presence on the forum has been greatly missed!
Hi Clare...nice to see you back here in the forum. Long time no see.
I remember your many sophisticated advices to help our forum members.
You've been a very talented Photoshop-Creator, and I always admired your ideas your stylish presentations.
Remember the days when we used to have a "challenge"every month?
Good one teach! :silly: Nice technique. I would have used brush pics of hair and messed with feathering and color and whatnot. Takes some skill to cut out the "erroneous hairs" (love the expression) and make all the adjustments you did! Impressive job.

errrr…ERROR. Erroneous = errant!
Hi Clare...nice to see you back here in the forum. Long time no see.
I remember your many sophisticated advices to help our forum members.
You've been a very talented Photoshop-Creator, and I always admired your ideas your stylish presentations.
Remember the days when we used to have a "challenge"every month?

Indeed I do Chris. I'm sorry the crowd has changed, though there are, I see, a few talented Photoshoppers that participate in displaying their fine work and accepting and using constructive critique. I was actually surprised to see that the challenges had still been going. And pleasantly surprised that you're still here keeping things moving and giving your help to "shoppers." Thanks for the compliment! I'll take it, lol. I don't think I'm back in the sense of participating a whole lot. I can't afford PS these days and I'm dumbfounded by the version number - what did I read, 21?! I won't fess up to the last version I used!

I'll be around to see what folks are doing. So don't mess up guys. Maybe I can't create art in PS right atm, but I sure as Hell can still tell if it's great art.

See you all around!
