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Screen captures?


Well-Known Member
8 years of photoshop experience and i don't know how to do screen captures. Can someone tell me how? Or is there just a 3rd party software?
I've been using PS since version 2 and I learned this only last year :bustagut: :bustagut: . Welcome to the club of late comers.

Very tedious process - Whenever you see something on screen you want, PRESS THAT PRINT SCREEN KEY ON YOUR KEYBOARD TO COPY THE SCREEN IMAGE, Open new image file in PS and press CTRL + V. Done :bustagut: :bustagut: .

Hope this is what yer after ;\

:righton: Right on Vee! :bustagut:

It's also worth mentioning that pressing the "Print Screen" key on your keyboard copies the screen capture to your system clipboard. I mention this 'cause often times I forget that I have something on the clipboard that I wanted to 'print' but before having the time to do so, I use the clipboard again only to discover that my image is gone. [confused] Terribly frustrating when it's a web page that you didn't bm ... if you get my drift! ;) I now keep a shortcut to my clipboard on my desktop! :)
I'll have to look for it, but there's an app that allows you to use several clipboards at the same time...
pdog182, I run with Windows XP and, although I have never had to "clear it" for sluggish performance reasons, I could easily do so by opening up the clipboard and going to edit/delete! ;) Another good reason to keep a shortcut to it on your desktop!

But, you do indeed make a good point! ;) Your clipboard will hold an image until you've closed every software program that you have running or you manually delete it! 8[

B7 Erik, I've heard about that multiple clipboard thingy! I understand that WindowsXP has the capability of running something similar and I confess that I haven't had this O/S long enough to have delved deeply into that function. But from what little I've seen of it, it appears to be too complicated for my simple needs... ;\
Huh? Wendy modest??? Simple needs? Where's your pride girl? Only the best is hardly good enough for you!!!
good idea Wendy re the short cut thingy........ now how he he he I mean not how but where is it?
my system get's really sluggish and I would reboot 4 times per day at least but then I do have open mail, ps, IR and dreamweaver all day long and the files are always over 50MB ;\ yeah okay I am running 98 not XP but hubby is too busy at the moment to put it on but at this reboot rate I am going to have to just put my system up on the bench and say "do it" [upset] ha ha ha
I know I have digressed here a bit but just want to ask........ does anyone else have to reboot as often as I do? ;\ or is 98 really that memory bad :\
Erik! :bustagut: ;\ :P
Sue, the shortcut to your clipboard, as I can best recall, can be accessed through your Windows Start button. I believe that it's listed under "Accessories". Otherwise, check your Windows/System or System32 folder! ;)

As for your sluggish performance and re-booting problem, I'm not a techie, but I have noticed that keeping IR open (unless you're using it constantly) just isn't worth it on an "if come" basis. This program definitely seems to be a REAL RAM HOG!!!

Just my experience... ;)
weird. . . I still can't find it. I'm running xp home and it's not anywhere under accessories. I even did a system search, but no luck.
pdog182 I hear ya! ;) I remember going through this sort of thing when I first got XP. For some weird reason, they've excluded it from the Windows Accesories folder! [confused] Go to Windows/System32... the icon looks like this
And calling it "ClipBook Viewer" doesn't make it any easier to find when doing a search! [confused]

Nice to know that you've found it pdog182! :)
Back when I was doing my Pui Pui thing, I used MWSnap. It has *tons* of features. Awesome little program. And it's free!


I just did a quick check, and it doesn't use the clipboard unless you tell it to (Edit > Copy).
:righton: Stroker! And the price is right! :D Thanks for the link! :righton:

;) Nice to see that you've got your real identity back!
Sue, I run win2KSP3 on a PIII 800 with 512ram for some fifteen months now, and I never had to reboot up to now. But I never use IR, nor keep apps open when I don't need them all the time.
If I may say so: ask your H for a new HDD, and keep this one , just in case... You'll always have the complete backup, and if needed, you just re install this one, and you can go on rebboting. Errr...working [saywhat] :P
When hubby gets the chance he is going to coppy this hard drive to another, put XP on this one and if it all goes wrong then like you said I will have a back up....... just the rebooting is driving me nuts!
I always jump to IR then close when I am done but obviously that is enough to hog all the memory........ sometimes even jumping to IR I get the message ........ there is not enough memory to complete the task [upset] and that is just open and read the file! ;\ with the 512 DDR 2700 ram I thought it would be enough and I have never had this much before but it is now that I am running into probes..... the faster these systems get the more fickle they become!
