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study photo efect

awesome work , real talent here , looking forward too seeing a lot more of your images well done
if i had any thing that took my eye it is the bottom of the hair in the first image , the edge looks too sharp too my eye but its not that distracting
Hey Milton. I'm liking one and three. I don't care much for the distortion of the woman in number two. Keep it up! Good work!
I find it hard to give a useful response to questions like this.

Technically, the images you posted are just fine. They display good craftsmanship, knowledge of the tools, color, geometry, a good sense of visual flow, metaphor, perhaps a subliminal acknowledgment of earlier, vaguely similar work and styles, etc.

The problem for me is once someone gets to this very competent level of their art, IMHO, the real issue becomes one of intent and success at achieving that intent.

In your case, this is something we don't know. In contrast, in the case of famous artists, we have writings, interviews, their entire oeuvre, etc. to refer to. For example, at the most basic level, we don't know if some of these images were intended to be commercial (eg, for advertisements), a commissioned portrait (a possibility in the case of the 1st), a fantasy construct, part of series you are doing called "speckles" (just kidding), or nothing more than an assignment for a class to simply demonstrate your technical prowess to pass a particular course.

Personally, in the absence of all other info, I like the 1st one the best, but that says more about my preference for realistic / representational work than it says about you. Let us know more about the background and intent of these and perhaps a conversation will develop.

Best regards,

Tom M
I really like the composition of the second one. I think it puts just the right amount of emphasis on the character and also just the right amount of free space around her for a slightly desolate effect. I think the white streaks in the hair of the third one are a little too striking, though, and they take away focus from the rest of the image. I'm not sure if you purposefully wanted that to pop out.
