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Text / Font Design Help Needed


New Member
Hey guys! I'm new here to the forum. I'm trying to create some cool text; however, I can't seem to find any fonts online that look like the logo below. Can anybody point me in the right direction on where I can find a font like this? OR a tutorial teaching me how to create something like it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



PS...I did not create this and there is a copyright as you can see. just sayin. lol
A good font resource is dafont . com

Regarding tutorials, just search google for them.. Try to be specific and search like "funky 70s text tutorial photoshop" or "best photoshop text tutorials" and your sure to find one :)


d, you can now post links, no prob. You just need over 5 posts.

I would steer you to dafont.com as well. You may find fonts that are similar that you could link words together like this with manipulation, but this one is probably for sale or just copyright protected. As for tutorials, there is a lot of learning to be done when it comes to creating and using fonts. Learning basics takes awhile, but so does learning Photoshop. Maybe you'll be lucky and find the font, or maybe you'll get lucky and someone can tell you how to create a reasonable facsimile. Good luck.
amazing really how many fonts are out there. And you can make your own or at lest your own logo or sig just as you might any other design.

Using the pen tool is the best way I can think of. It takes time to learn and practice, but it is worth it in so many ways in Photoshop.
Thanks for the suggestions....I'm thinking I'm going to have become familiar with the Pen tool. lol I did find another good font site thou.... fontspace.com. check it out.

Thanks again.
I will. Be patient with the pen tool and find more than one tutorial. Each tutor will stress something different and that's how you'll learn the subtleties and maybe even some glaring things you've been missing. There's the occasional tutorial that assumes you know something that as a beginner, why would you?
