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The command "Invert" is not currently available

Randy Myers

Active Member
Although a long time PS veteran, (currently CS5), for some reason I just never really got into the actions. Well a few days ago I learned a technique for making pencil drawings from photos and I surprised that I actually liked the results. Since a client wanted me to do this to many images, I thought it would be foolish not to create an action for it so I did so but every time I try to run the action, about half way through, I get the following message.....The command "Invert" is not currently available.

I've already done some searching about this problem and have already done the following suggestions:
1. Check color mode of image
2. Make sure "add mask by default is checked in the adjustment layers settings
3. Make sure "add default masks on fill layer is checked in the layers panel options

These are all fine. Any other ideas for this "Actions" newbie?


1-Command Invert.jpg
The only time I get that error is when I don't have the layer selected.
The layer may be selected in your case, but perhaps it is the mask that is selected instead of the image?
Thanks, I will check on that but since what I did during the recording of the action, DID accomplish what I wanted it to to the image, I can't image that would be the problem either.

There has to be something in your sequence that may have caused the snag.

Will it be alright for you to give us a rundown of the action and a screen shot of your image layers?

addendum .... Or that the recorded action is looking for a particular layer which existed in your original file when you created the action but does not exist in your current file. You may have to recheck and examine the action with the file you used to create it then try it on a new file if the sequence flow suits it.
Thanks for your reply. I've figured it out.

There was one step in the sequence of instructions where I needed to duplicate a particular layer and then move the layer to the top of the layer stack. Not knowing any differently, I accomplished this task the same way that I have a million times before, by right clicking on the layer and choosing, "duplicate layer". As far as accomplishing what I wanted to do, that worked perfectly fine, as it should and as it always has.

For some reason, a real dim light went off in my head and something came to me that I should try and as it turned out, it was the right experiment. What I found out was the as far as the ACTION was concerned, it wanted me to actually select the layer by left clicking on it FIRST and THEN once it was selected in THAT way, THEN right click on it and duplicate it. Once I added that extra step, (which wasn't really necessarily as far as accomplishing the task and hand), then and ONLY then did I create an action that ended up working without a hitch.

Thanks to everyone WHO tried to help me. I appreciate it. Being an action newbie, I guess I have to learn that when recording them, they like to have certain steps done in certain ways or they get temperamental. LOL!

Thanks again!

