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Vector smart objects still pixelated in Photoshop


I've taken some vector images from Affinity designer and pasted them into Photoshop. I choose smart object and anti alias is checked and when I zoom in on them they still appear pixelated like the background.
Is there anyway to keep them 100 percent vector, as in, no matter how far I zoom in they still have that razor sharp edge?

I tried to post an example but it wouldn't let me attach a photoshop file.
Is there anyway to keep them 100 percent vector, as in, no matter how far I zoom in they still have that razor sharp edge?
Not really. Ps is a raster based program that supports vector containers with raster content. This is much different than a vector container with a vector content that you have with vector based programs.
Not really. Ps is a raster based program that supports vector containers with raster content. This is much different than a vector container with a vector content that you have with vector based programs.

Ah okay I understand. So what's the point of vector smart objects if they're not really vector.
Well, SO's have many other uses. But, as they pertain to what your referring to, they can scale, rotate, skew, distort, perspective transform, or warp a layer without losing original image data or quality because the transformations don't affect the original data.

You're wanting 100% vector with "razor" sharp edges.........................you're just not going to get the same quality you find in vector based programs.
Ps SO's come very close................you may be having another issue.
Can you uplaod a vector object that you have created in Affinity so we can compare Ps SO screenshots?
This is an Ai vector file that I placed as a linked smart objecrt.

100% zoom
Screen Shot 2019-05-28 at 11.40.04 AM.png

400% zoom...........we see some aliasing in the curves.
Screen Shot 2019-05-28 at 11.40.42 AM.png
No I mean what you uploaded is pretty close to what i'm seeing so I guess it's fine. I was just wondering if there was something I was missing but I guess not.

Thanks and have a good day!
Here is the same vector Ai image scaled using free ttransform (not zoomed) way up at 100% zoom.

No aliasing! This is the advantage of SO's
Screen Shot 2019-05-28 at 11.49.31 AM.png

But if we zoom in at 400%, we see some aliasing....
Screen Shot 2019-05-28 at 12.07.03 PM.png
