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Don W.

New Member
New to the watermarking aspect on CS4. I have figured out how to design and make a watermark but I am stuck at how to save that watermark as a seperate transparent layer in a file to use over again, and also how to use that watermark (in file) on batch images. Any help?
The water mark needs to be done on a transparent background. You create transparency when you make a new document. At the bottom of the dialogue box you'll see background contents and transparent is one of the choices. If you already have this then all you need to do is save the file as a PNG which preserves the transparency.

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Thanks ibclare, I have the watermark saved in a PNG file, now, how do I attach it to a single image and a file of batch images? Thanks again.
The above tutorial was going fine upto the place, that's where it went wrong. There is no need to sort portrait and landscape pictures.
Ok Once you have placed the file DO NOT MOVE IT, this is where the tutorial is going wrong, just hit enter, you will have your logo in the center of your document,select the whole layer (ctrl/a), now select the Move tool (v) and in the options bar you have the options to move your logo to several places, you can use these or use the options in Layer - Align Layers to Selection - choose your options.
To fine tune the placement use the cursor keys, one press equals one pixel, shift/cursor key equals 10 pixels.
the rest of the video is ok.
You will now have an action that works on both Portrait and Landscape
I made a watermark, defined a brush outta it.

Now easily apply watermark, EVERYWHERE!

I just use it on a new layer, then tone down the opacity.

If I want to make the watermark more visible, I add a drop shadow, AND bevel, and instead of turning the opacity down, I leave it at 100%, and turn down the fill to around 60.

Works like a charm :D
