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Portrait/Images made out of text

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I clearly remember an excellent tutorial (here on photoshopgurus.com) about exactly the effect sought by the OP. It was probably 6 to 12 months ago, and it was one of the very first postings by someone who had just joined PSG, but I don't think hung around for long. As I recall, he used a simple but unexpected method that turned out to be very effective.

This is frustrating me to no end: I've spent the last half hour looking for it, and have had no success. If any of you remember anything like this, pls. let me know.

However, on a positive note, while searching, I did turn up these interesting tutorials / threads / plugins which also involve making images out of text:





FWIW, I'll keep looking for the one I had in mind because I think the OP would really like that effect.


Good solid, relevant links, Sam. Thanks.

FWIW, neither of these was the one I was thinking about.

Tom, it can be very frustrating to find threads through this search engine as it gives irrelevant finds, based on what? Mostly one word out of the two or three you enter that can be found in the title. Even advanced searches . . . One of your links is the first one I found. I know I was looking for another one too, but can't really remember what it demo'd. Well, there are plenty of links provided here that address this particular request; Sam's are most relevant I think. But if you find the one your'e seeking (I gave up), I'd be interested in seeing it.
Hi Clare - Thanks. I'm sure I'll remember some critical clue about finding that thread when I'm not thinking about it. I'll keep u posted.

I learned creating images consisting of only texts from some Youtube videos. All the images on this thread are excellent and gives me more and new ideas, so thank you very much, guys!
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