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Another glassy/plastic orb...


Since I don't have a glass sphere, I whipped this up in Cinema to validate your observations. I cranked the refraction up to 4 and DOH! You're right! I can just slightly make out the "spherical" effect but then I suspect that the refraction for a shere might be realistically higher than 4 (it's as high as Cimena would allow). Transparency at 21% brightness.

Thought I'd give it another shot ??although it gets quite far away from the original technique. The idea I was taking the marbling a bit further??
Good idea Rich, i do that sometimes too to validate an idea.

Mark, that's not so far off. Great relfection results with the windows. and i think i see a room of some kind in there too. That looks very realistic now.

Ya and the marbling effect looks better now too, behind the relfections. Great job. :perfect:

One thing to take note of though is the floor surface... if that is indeed suposed to BE a floor -- could be a wall too. If it's a floor, it should appear to be lying on more of a flat angle from the apparent viewing angle of the image. Just need to apply the Perspective tool to it.

Guys... don't ever be afraid to "lose" the details of a texture if it's a trade-off for more realisim. In the real world, you wouldn't see detail in that floor texture either. But that's ok... because it's real. If you really want to show off your good textures in your images, then create other objects in the image to apply them to.
markzebra I just love that marble! it is fantastic :perfect:
well done
REALLY like your marble, Markzebra!

Here's my first try at a glass ball: (Can you tell I like purple?)

That's a nice one Julie and finally someone who uses purple, because what's wrong with purple? [confused].
You made sure that it really looks like glass :perfect:
Nice one - and a very tasteful shade of purple it is too :perfect:

Thanks for the words of encouragement folks - still not quite there yet with my marble. Just realised ? don't think marbles are transparent! :rofl:
For all the Golfers out there

I really wanted to try another one of these balls.:perfect: I followed Marks tute but with one exception - I added a texture layer under the two gradient layers
and with the texture layer selected I ran the spherize filter a couple of times to give the texture some ball like distortion and reduced the opacity of the gradient layes a tad to let the texture show through.[confused] [confused]
Seems to have worked out. :rofl: I know that you are a golfer Mark, as am I so thought you might enjoy the concept. B7
Rick, that's a great ball! I'm gonna try the texture layer thing and see what happens.
Thanks Gauss. :perfect: But you know as far as talent goes, I think that what has been the most benificial thing for me in PS is this site and the people that frequent it. When I first started it Photoshop everything was done from as tute of some kind. I printed them out and used them over and over for reference whenever I was creating an image. I still do that to a degree, however, the experience gained here has given me the knowledge to do things automaticly now. I have come to understand the programs' ins and outs and don't just experiment to see what will happen. I know where to go to get the effect that I want. And this knowledge has come from you and all the other people who contribute to the various boards. [shhh] Certanly we learn from experimenting on our own, but only within a community such as this do we find the help and support that is required to become a Master. Some day we will all get there, with each others assistance.B7 So to new members let me say - Take Heart - help is here and you have come to the right place.

Mark, and the MOD Squad as well, should be congratulated for this board,

Thanks to you all. :perfect: :perfect: :perfect:
Rick, a hearty amen to that. Well said!

This has quickly become my favorite PS board, because of the contributors to it. I've learned so much from everyone in these forums because people are willing to share their knowledge. And there's lots of knowledge here.
And an Amen to the Amen! :D

I concure whole-heartedly folks.
And thanks once again to all the members -- both MOD and non-MOD!

And Rick... ya i golf too, and i'd love a ball like that... definately! hahaa Nice one.[excited]

PS: Excellent looking effect there Julie. Spot-on i'd say. And i LOVE purple too! Especially the 'bluer' shades. [honesty]
::preen:: I'm telling all my friends that Mark of Photoshop Gurus liked my glassy ball!

Of course, people are started to look at me funny and edging away slowly...[confused]
I haven't posted here since March, apparently... WOW. (has it been that long?)

I added a little to your technique, Mark. Great work, as usual...

While I am thinking about it, you kind of brought a interesting point up. Photorealism is nice, and all, but isn't there a point where you sacrafice photorealism for something that just plain old looks cool? ...just something to think about.
neat these balls look great! [doh] just wish I had time to get in and do one myself [upset] too much work! [confused]
Originally posted by jonbalza
Photorealism is nice, and all, but isn't there a point where you sacrafice photorealism for something that just plain old looks cool? ...just something to think about.

I totally agree Jonbalza. Just one example; I never understand why people feel the need to make an exact copy of a cell-phone with the use of 2d/3d software [confused] [confused]
