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Blurry Brush strokes!


Hi! My name is Melinda and I need help! I've used PSE for many years doing extremely basic things. I'm now trying my hand at making abstract art in PS. PS is very overwhelming. I've been playing with it for a few weeks and struggling with brushes. I create in 24x36 300 dpi but when I view at 100% some of the brushes appear blurry. I want to be able to sell digital art files but don't want to print everything I make before selling just to make sure it looks ok. So that is my struggle. I'd like to connect with someone who could look at my work and give me advice.
Hello and welcome.

Please describe in detail about what the brush strokes are doing and what settings you have on your brush. Screen shots are extremely helpful as well!
I was told to design in size 24"x36" 300 dpi to be able to sell up to that size. This example is using a brush downloaded from Photoshop called Kyles Scratch Glaze in size 1766 px. When I view it at 100% then it doesn't look right to me. I'd love to show you the full piece but it is too large.

Screenshot (4).png
Hi, please post a screenshot of the document creation screen.
Sometimes, the units might be set up incorrectly, like using points instead of inches.
or because the document is large and at higher res, your Mac/PC might take some time to load the image. During that moment, it may appear blurry.
No advice?
Sorry to be so late. It's really hard to provide advice when we really don't understand the problem. I'll take a stab at it.

Here is a document that is 7200px X 10800px at 300dpi

Brush strokes at 21.24% zoom (out).
Click to enlarge
Note the size, dpi, and zoom percentage in the lower left hand corner.
Screen Shot 2023-05-17 at 12.48.07 PM.png

Brush strokes at 100% zoom.
Click to enlarge
No blur
Screen Shot 2023-05-17 at 12.48.31 PM.png

Brush strokes at 800% zoom (in)
Click to enlarge
At this magnification we begin to see pixels and what might be interpreted as a "blur".
This is normal. Ps brushes are rastor based and not vector based. You will always have some form of aliasing when zoomed in close.
Screen Shot 2023-05-17 at 12.54.11 PM.png

If a brush appears blurry when examined at 100%, then it's more likely that the brush was not well defined when it was created.
May I ask what brush that is? Was the default size 4000 or did you enlarge it? I've been playing with the Kyle brushes provided by Adobe.
This is a 2664px Ink Brush. Not sure where I got it. I don't have the Kyle Brushes.

I did enlarge it to 4000px
Screen Shot 2023-05-17 at 1.13.50 PM copy.png
You have hit on a good point!

I see here that the Kyle brush was created at 1766px. If you enlarged that brush to 4000px, then it would probably appear blurry at higher magnifications.

Screen Shot 2023-05-17 at 1.30.51 PM.png

If you want to create "large" artworks with Ps brushes, I would probably stick to a brush that was created above 2000px. Above 3000px would be even better!
I appreciate your input. I will start keeping that in mind when selecting my brushes rather than trying to enlarge any and all brushes. Now if I could only get someone interested in my art on Etsy. Otherwise this is all for nothing. Thank you for your guidance.
