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First post


Well-Known Member
hi umm this is my first post in this website and i have only worked with photoshop about a month (in the last month of summer) and I really liked it and i would like you guys my lates work I did i didnt work on it allot but it seems nice to me please leave suggestions and comments so I could improve my work ::)


  • ali beast.jpg
    ali beast.jpg
    947.8 KB · Views: 2
ohh sorry i forgot to put the original picture my bad ;)


  • kk322.jpg
    4.3 MB · Views: 1
Not bad for one month! Great idea, too.

If you're still working on it, you can add something dark to your dark background, surrounding the face.

thanx i would try ur suggestion see what happens if it was good ill post it :eek: i could of added some stiches and between the skull and the face but idk how to do that yet nore im good at free hand drawing hehe :mrgreen:
hi umm this is my first post in this website and i have only worked with photoshop about a month (in the last month of summer) and I really liked it and i would like you guys my lates work I did i didnt work on it allot but it seems nice to me please leave suggestions and comments so I could improve my work ::)

Really nice work after only one month of practice!

Try to start in the opposite order so that the face comes on top of the skull. That will enhance the effect even further.
well that is what i did the face is the layer on top of the skull but ok thankx
Great attempt, i just got back off a short break and decided to jump back in with your manipulation (hope you don't mind), i rushed it (greedy piggy that i am):redface: need lots more work really especially the mouth:devilish:
Just keep going mate you will get to where it is you want to go, and with all our help you will get there a lot happier and quicker.
thank you all i feel good about what i did with my summer now (self teaching photoshop to my self, serching on youtube about stuff, reading threats on diffrent fourms) and you mr belial that looks awsome can you tell me what filter you used for the back ground cuz i think if i could increas the cell size i could get pretty cool si-fi effect out of that
ohh and im having a hard time finding raw pictures for practice and stuff can you guys suggest me some source : here is a diffrent one (i made this before but i dont think it turned out that well i tryied to give a 3d effect on the dogs nose with the shadows but idk why it doesnt work :rolleyes:? can u guys tell me?) :arrowd:


  • ahha 2.jpg
    ahha 2.jpg
    4.8 MB · Views: 0
Ah well sorry, if i say something offensive, but the photoshop uncovers itself best when it is made to look more real than edited. What are you creating is good, looks good, we know PS, so we can say that its very nice for a beginner, but in case you really want to create a good effect, just keep in mind one thing, make it look more like natural. That gives the real taste.

Like, what you created in the first pic was good, but it would have been awesome if you could have made it something like the skin has been peeled off and the skull part is visible. That would have really magnificent.

But again, good work.

One Advice: Whenever you get time, try browsing various arts, drawings and pictures (especially the edited ones), it would always keep your spirits high to do something better and will provide immense knowledge towards designing and editing.
