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Hello all !


Hello all,
I’ve joined this site in hopes of extending my limited knowledge about PhotoShop, V-6.0, and its’ capabilities. I know it’s pretty antiquated by today’s standards but that‘s what I have to work with.
I’ve recently acquired some old family photographs and many are in pretty sad shape to say the least.
There are a few I feel are quit possibly beyond restoration, there very faded, but then I‘m not positive that there beyond restoration.
I‘ve tried the basics that I’m aware of in my 6.0 application that could bring them back but with very poor results. Hopefully the members here will be willing to point me in the right direction, or on the other hand tell me when it’s just time to admit defeat and throw in the towel.
Welcome to PSG knarf.

You can't post any links yet but you can post images directly using the
icon on the toolbar.
If these are black and white images scan them in Black and White (Grayscale) set to a resolution of at least 600ppi.
Thanks Giving dinner I believe.jpgHere you are Steve thanks for having a look! For what it's worth it took me so many try's to get this image sent I gave up trying, until this one last time. Have a great day! knarf
Welcome to PSGurus, knarf.

You can use v6 for basic work and getting acquainted to PS's abilities. Once you're comfie with it, you can get the latest version.

In fact , you can download the free trial of CS at adobe.com .

As for your image, experiment with the brigthness/ contrast and LEVELS controls to bring out the image. Use the clone tool to fix the imperfections and creases.

Enjoy your learning curve with us. Cheers.
Welcome to PSGurus, knarf.

You can use v6 for basic work and getting acquainted to PS's abilities. Once you're comfie with it, you can get the latest version.

In fact , you can download the free trial of CS at adobe.com .

As for your image, experiment with the brigthness/ contrast and LEVELS controls to bring out the image. Use the clone tool to fix the imperfections and creases.

Enjoy your learning curve with us. Cheers.
Thanks for the comments. I've pretty much experimented with the brightness/contrast, on this project, without much success. The clone tool and other similar tools will obviously be getting a good workout. Now the the LEVELS you refer to I have never bothered spending a lot of effort getting familiar with. Hmmmm! Looks like thats about to change.
This was all done in ACR.
You can improve a little on some of the picture but those guys in the background are lost IMHO.
If you know who they are and have other pictures you can clone the face in.

Thanks Giving dinner I believe1.jpg
welcome to the forum

Well Steve I looked into ACR and found I don’t have the capability in PS-6 so here’s a little show and tell as to what I came up with after way to many hours of play. Did I use the “play” word?
I’ll have to ask my Sister if there is a list of place names for the image so it’ll be at least of some use to any future family generations who may be interested.
Now on to the one with one, torn in half, then repaired with masking tape?? family at dinner table_Gray_jpg_2.jpg
