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[help]achieve this celestial effect


hey pros! is there any way i can manipulate this ghostly harp behind this beautiful angel into another image?


into this harp?

with ghostly blue effect and light beads on the string :) Successful manipulator will get another project for the wings too. :)

select your harp either be it using magic eraser and deleting background or selecting the harp copy it to its own layer
set background to blue
create a new layer goto filter> render > clouds making sure your foreground colour is white
repeat last step but make sure harp is between the 2 cloud layers lower the opacity of these clouds down
use a layer mask on clouds layer above harp and paint back in some of the harp
create a new layer select a soft brush and paint white dots of various sizes around the harp
then in blending options of the white dot layer add a slight outer glow and duplicate the layer
Thats the basics of how to do this without any additional brushes ect but a cloud brush will give you more the effect your after
it should work just make sure you choose blue colours etc maybe even have a blue overlay etc
Heres My quick attempt, like Hoogleman said- Blue overlays, hue saturation and some filter affects etc, etc.should get the job done... Btw Im new here so heres to my first post :yourock:

