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Help: Revamping an old photo with too much lens flare



I've recently been touching up some old pictures of my Dad so I have better quality pictures of him. I've used the standard tools in photoshop, some of them automatic and I've produced decent results for myself but I'm stuck on a particular picture which has too much lens flare.

Can anyone help out?

I've posted a picture of what I've done already so you see how little I'm changing and in the picture of him in front of a mirror, I don't want to change the detail, just try to enhance / remove blur and most all all, those sodding lens flares, I would very much appreciate it if someone can explain the best way to do it, or even do it for me?

Thanks in advance..



Dad 06.JPG
Sorry, no this isn't what I need.. maybe I didn't make myself clear.

The first pic I posted was just an example of what I've done with another photo..

It's the second pic that needs enhancing / touching up but not with basic effects.. I'd like the image to appear as close to natural as possible whilst cleaning up existing quality with what's available from the scan.

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No easy fix for this 1 sometimes lens correction filter will do it under chromatic abbreviations but I am guessing they are to strong same goes for mixing blending modes it will have to be the good old clone tool and some spare time.
Thanks Hoogle for the suggestion,

I used a combination of the clone tool and healing brush tool and zoomed right in to try and remove it, then applied other effects to restore colour for the rest of photograph.

I don't think it's a bad job but it certainly isn't professional finish..

Can anyone offer their experience for the best techniques for this kind of work? - I'd like to improve on what I've done already :)


you did a good job already
and now you could try with a new layer on top with blending mode on color
to get rid of the strange colors brush in the new layer with the "correct" color

