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How can I get embossed previews and/or 3D text effects for business cards and logos?


Active Member
Hi, I have noticed that some people are able to produce previews of their logo designs on business cards, stationary, and the like. How do they do that? Is it using a different program, or is it using Photoshop or Illustrator? I currently have Adobe Master Suite CS 5.5 installed on my system and I'm transitioning from Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8.1 (which I LOVE). I've attached 2 pictures to show what I mean about what I'd like to be able to do:

3d paper.jpglogo branding.png

This would be really helpful in getting started with my logo designs, as I sometimes have great designs, but I don't know how to display them this way. Would really appreciate some help. Thanks much!
Re: How can I get embossed previews and/or 3D text effects for business cards and log

Great, Glad it was helpful.
QUOTE=HTwebservices;1533696711]Thanks very much. That was a great tutorial. Now I can play around with it until I get the effect I want![/QUOTE]
