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How to make similar type of Grid pattern?

this depends on what sort of grid you want, and what you want to do with it. Photoshop has 2 grid modes, one a normal grid but also a show a Pixel Grid.

make a new layer, paint a 1 pixel line across holding the shift key to make it perfect level. and simply make extra copes of that layer and move them or keep on painting along the grid lines..

and if done as separate players, ten flatten them, and make a new copy of that and rotate it 90'.

you can also alternate colours also with the paint.

SandyScreen Shot 2022-06-21 at 14.09.52pm.jpg
Create a 4px x 4px document.

Use the Rectangle Marquis Tool to color like this.......
Screen Shot 2022-06-20 at 11.33.32 PM.png


Now the same pattern can be applied anywhere you like using a layer style or pattern fill!

Your pattern example.....

My newly made pattern.
this depends on what sort of grid you want, and what you want to do with it. Photoshop has 2 grid modes, one a normal grid but also a show a Pixel Grid.

make a new layer, paint a 1 pixel line across holding the shift key to make it perfect level. and simply make extra copes of that layer and move them or keep on painting along the grid lines..

and if done as separate players, ten flatten them, and make a new copy of that and rotate it 90'.

you can also alternate colours also with the paint.

SandyView attachment 130637
Thank you
Create a 4px x 4px document.

Use the Rectangle Marquis Tool to color like this.......
View attachment 130639


Now the same pattern can be applied anywhere you like using a layer style or pattern fill!

Your pattern example.....
View attachment 130640

My newly made pattern.
View attachment 130641
Thanks a ton, mate. I tried your method and I am attaching the layered PSD of it. Please see and kindly let me know if I am on right track or not. Thank you once again.


is there any reason you have blue on blue...? if you want to see errors, they put some contrast between the say Bly lines agains a temp yellow Back ground. or white. also you horizontal lines appear far thicker that the vertical. but them I only make grids to align items.
Good tutorial. Grid patterns are really nice and there are plenty of ways to make it. I have a question for @IamSam what if the same pattern want to use on a different color or use it as a transparent ? Can you clarify it please ?? Thank you
This particular pattern was created using the desired color which is blue, but you can create the pattern in any color you like. You could also use shades of grey and then use a color overlay (set to overlay) to change colors.

Grey pattern.
Screen Shot 2022-07-04 at 1.55.23 AM.png

Pattern with green color overlay.
Screen Shot 2022-07-04 at 1.56.44 AM.png

Screen Shot 2022-07-04 at 1.57.49 AM.png

You cant really use this as a transparent since any pattern would require color or shades of grey in order to show up. It's the difference in the sat and brightness that comprises the grid.
