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After Effects Keying out green flowers on Greenscreen... hmmm

Hi Guys

I was hoping to make some awesome sfx. with some gardenweeds and made a lot greenscreen recordings. Again this only show how little I know about sfx and AE. With many hour spend on trying to key the flowers out, I finally realized that keying out green flowers on a greenscreen is not the ways forward... :)

Well, you live and you learn... Here is what came out of it.

U could use a red/pink screen mask-exclude the stuff that is close to red and use chroma key to remove the background
Still not bad...
I kinda like it, Keep going at making this better!
Practice makes perfect!

Have you ever made anything like this?
That sort of comment does nothing to help - i have not a clue how to start with this stuff but what AM as created is cool, wrong screen or not.
The one thing i didn't get was the music video on the wall in the back ground.
I personally do not think keying is your answer here but the way I would go is 1 of 2 routes if I dont have a lot of time I would just pick some dandelions arrange them using something I cant think of the name it is like a foam block available from craft stores and garden centers you just stick flowers into them many reefs and funeral arrangements use it. Then photograph it separately well lit against a white or black background. Then mask them out in photoshop so transparant background. Import into illustrator and convert to bitmap but not vectorising it to much so you keep photo realism as much as possible. Import it into after effects and look on youtube for a tutorial on growing vines and apply the same principal to your "weeds".

Option 2 and far better effects and a lot more fun when it comes to creativity is learning 3d modelling (and to be honest you can probably get free models based on flowers and weeds with a simple google search. Then animate them in 3d software like studio max or cinema 4d then you have 2 options you can then rendr out the alpha channel via quicktime move or image sequence and import into after effect and insert it into your movie.

Or you can import the video as a texture onto a plane and duplicate it so 1 is the floor and 1 is the background giving you a nice 3d space to work in. then create your animations of your weeds directly in your video, This is now turning from a simple animated movie to a complex CGI project once you have rendered out your movie you can then look import it into after effects to do final editing of colour correction add your audio etc.

It sounds complicated but once you learn the basics and put plenty of time into learning them you will soon be making really cool videos.

So if you want the carttoney style animation then go for the photoshop illustrator version

if you want realism and cool CGI effects go for the 3d modelling application.
Thanks a lot for you comment. This I can for sure use in future videos.

I'm only just starting using AE and are taking it one small step at the time. But I can't wait until I feel confident enough to start playing with 3D software as well.
I personally do not think keying is your answer here but the way I would go is 1 of 2 routes if I dont have a lot of time I would just pick some dandelions arrange them using something I cant think of the name it is like a foam block available from craft stores and garden centers you just stick flowers into them many reefs and funeral arrangements use it. Then photograph it separately well lit against a white or black background. Then mask them out in photoshop so transparant background. Import into illustrator and convert to bitmap but not vectorising it to much so you keep photo realism as much as possible. Import it into after effects and look on youtube for a tutorial on growing vines and apply the same principal to your "weeds".

Option 2 and far better effects and a lot more fun when it comes to creativity is learning 3d modelling (and to be honest you can probably get free models based on flowers and weeds with a simple google search. Then animate them in 3d software like studio max or cinema 4d then you have 2 options you can then rendr out the alpha channel via quicktime move or image sequence and import into after effect and insert it into your movie.

Or you can import the video as a texture onto a plane and duplicate it so 1 is the floor and 1 is the background giving you a nice 3d space to work in. then create your animations of your weeds directly in your video, This is now turning from a simple animated movie to a complex CGI project once you have rendered out your movie you can then look import it into after effects to do final editing of colour correction add your audio etc.

It sounds complicated but once you learn the basics and put plenty of time into learning them you will soon be making really cool videos.

So if you want the carttoney style animation then go for the photoshop illustrator version

if you want realism and cool CGI effects go for the 3d modelling application.

or you could plant a seed keep your video camera filming the seed over a few months then use that footage at high speed to make your animation of a growing plant. :rofl:

but for AE i would suggest the following site for really good video tut
