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Knock Knock *peeks in*


Ummm, hello? Anybody home? [innocent] Wow, nice place ya got here :)

Hi, I'm Karma, nice to meet you :D (Yeah, rather silly seeing as how I haven't met anyone yet, but it's always a good idea to be polite :) ) I'm not exactly new to forums or Photoshop, but I still don't know much.... about Photoshop, that is, lol. I've been playing around in PS7 for a few months, found a few tuts that produced some nice results, but I know I still have a lot to learn.

Hmmmm, maybe a little about me would be in order. Let's see, you can probably tell from the beginning of this post that I can get rather silly at times, lol. How old am I, you ask? Let's just say old enough to know better, but young enough not to care. Or maybe that's "immature enough", lol. I rarely act my age, but just to give you a hint, I have 3 kids and have been married for almost 14 years.

Was that too much? I never know how much to say and tend to run off at the fingers, lol. So anyway, I look forward to learning as much as I can here, and maybe make a few friends. I hope you all have a great day, and happy Photoshopping! [excited]
Hi, guys, thanks for the welcome :D I hope to be around this weekend as I have that dreadful existence we call work today, lol. So, see you round the boards! :)
Welcome to one of the best forums around. Hope ya enjoy your stay and learn lots.
*huggles Rain* :D Hiya, sweetie! Ooohhh, yeah, stalk me, baby!
(Can you imagine what people are going to think of us? lol)

mmagikman & Moth, thank you for the welcome :)
Hiya, Lily, and thank you for the welcome :) I can already tell I will be here a lot, lol.
ooo crap! Sorry i'm late folks! :D

Welcome to the community Karma & Rain! Hope you enjoy your stay.

And please don't hesitate to jump right into things around here. The "Photoshop Campfire" board is the real "playground" area, so feel free to get your knees wet with the activities going on in there. :perfect:
Welcome Karma and Rain - as Mark has already said (not to quote him exactly). but the campfire is where all the fun and play is, so don't forget to run your little fingers that way, after all, the best way to learn more about PS is to play!!
While "better late than never" is a good cliche, I prefer "Life happens, and things don't always go the way we want them to". (OK, so maybe it's just something I came up with, but I still prefer it, lol) Mark & Bubble, thank you for the welcome. :) I am loving this site so far, and I haven't even made it to the Campfire board yet, lol.

btw, I'm guessing that the bold names are considered a courtesy (?)
Oh, is there a listing of the rules, or is it a "learn as you go", common sense type thing? Thank you again :)
Thank you, C9Mouse :)
*trots off to read*
Welles said:
Hi Karma, you have an ebullient forum presence and it's a treat to have you visit.

Cheers :perfect:

Thank you, Welles :) I can see that you will be good for my vocabulary, lol.
That's our Welles, quixotic to the core ..... (kidding, kidding .... lol).
It's nice to see that chat and IM shorthand haven't taken over everywhere. I used to confuse people in chat with "big words" and got out of the habit of being able to express myself well. But, I'm working on it. ;)
As a writer this reminds me of one of my old articles, The Death of Conversation, where I wrote:

"I hope the modern day age does not rust our rich, historical dialogue to the point where if I happen upon a friend on the street we are at a loss to converse simply because we forgot to bring our keyboards."
