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My First Post


So i was thinking if you guys could critic my art :) I was just messing around with some brushes and effects and it turned out pretty good,what do you guys think? And this is my first post on this forum,hey! :D

maybe you should try some color also on the white planet. That might bring a better harmony to the over all picture I think.
Yeah,maybe I'll do that,but I kinda lost the file >.> I made that 2 years ago,and I haven't touched Photoshop since ><''
Thats our moon in the foreground, why not just do a filter over the top of all of it if you want to colourise it, it looks ok like that though, if that was from 2 years ago what you doing now?
Erm i'm studying,I'm 17 years old. :) I just started using Photoshop again today cause maybe i'll venture into the graphic design stream if i get into college or something.
Not you personally? i meant in shop - but you just answered that.....ERMMMM indeed ha ha
Then get choppin or shopping, read a few tuts from here or go linking from links that members put up.
well,the thing is,i've got nothing on my mind >.> how bout you gimme something to do? think of it as a challenge.
