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Need help making it look a little more professional


Active Member
Hello chaps,

Have a quick look at my site www.jarrattperkins.com

so the top half im happy with but im trying to build up an image of me at my desk. Its looking a little amateurish and i was wondering if any one had any thoughts about giving it a more professional look.

Any tips or tricks?
I like the colours but have a few small suggestions that I would impliment if it were my site ( without changing the overall look).

1. Improve the quality of the cup on the right side and the pencils on the left, they are a bit jagged at the moment.
2. I would just use the shape of a monitor rather than trying to fit yourself in, that will be more recognisable to most people ( for example I had to re edit this post as I at first thought it was an Easel and was going to suggest you use an A-Frame version...)

Finally I think you may have a few issues when you put real information into the main area - with the picture in the middle and below the main body you will have two areas of dead space. I would have to see the site with some body text and images but at first glance it feels like the footer detail should be moved to either side (my preference would be the right).

Beyond those points I like the design as it's clean and simple, black is not my favourite colour for a website but on this occasion with the orange it works well :)

Good luck with the site - let us know when you have taken it further forward.

