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Ready to kick the paint bucket


Power User
Hi all, long time between visits.
I'm in the process of repainting a house in PS that is. My problem is that after I have selected an area to paint e.g. a wall of the house I can't seem to get an even spread.
If I click the paint bucket in the center of the wall the colour doesn't flow all the way to the edges. It seems to leave pockets that are not painted and I have to click in those areas which ends up giving me an uneven look.
I've tried using various levels of opacity all the way to 100% but it didn't make a difference.
Any ideas out there as to why it does this.
Thanks [excited]
Limey, I personally think that your approach is not the best one to colour these walls, but to come up with a better solution I have to see an example first.

Your problem however can be solved by changing the tolerance or contiguous settings in the top tool bar. :)
Thanks Gaussian, it does work better with the settings you suggested but I would like to keep the opacity in the low ranges, as you can see on the pic that the right lower wall is not evenly coloured when I use the lower settings.
I'd be interested to know what a better way to do this is if you have any suggestions.
I selected the area that needed to be colorized with the Polygonal Lasso Tool. After I was done, I clicked on the mask button which created a mask using the active selection.
I then added a Hue & Saturation adjustment layer, selected the option colorize and adjusted the color.
This way you can always change the color at a later stage.

This is just one of the many ways to tackle this problem, but one step is always necessary; you HAVE to select the area that needs to be colorized.
I tried to follow your example and selected a section with the Polygonal Lasso Tool but couldn't click on the Mask button for some reason it was dimmed out is there a step I'm missing.
That is because the background layer is locked ;)

You can unlock it by double clicking on it or you can make a copy of the background layer.

I always prefer to make a copy; its always good to keep the original intact.

Hold down the ALT key when you add the Hue & Saturation adjustment layer; the option screen will pop-up and you have to select Group with Previous Layer
Hi limey! :)

I like your method, Gaussian...great guidance here! :perfect:
Hi wbiss, what can I say, when you want the best you go to the best B7

Thanks Gaussian it worked like a charm I'm going to like playing at decorator. :D
Hey Gaussian I might have spoken too soon, I tried moving on to a new section and duplicating what I did on the previous selection. However when I tried to add a layer mask for some reason it kept coming up with a vector mask. :(

Maybe the best way to do this would be to first select everything I want to colour the same and then just make one mask for all of the combined selections.

What do you think ? [confused]
- Select all the straight areas with the polygonal lasso tool (add extra selections by holding down the shift key). Make sure that you zoom in.
- Add the mask (only after you've done all your selections)

After the mask is created I would paint those areas in the mask that have a more irregular shape.

I don't want to make this a "how to use masks tutorial", but I think you get the idea ;)
Thanks Gaussian that's how I was planning to do it. Still curious though why I was getting a Vector Mask instead of the Layer Mask.
limey said:
Still curious though why I was getting a Vector Mask instead of the Layer Mask.
That's a normal Photoshop behaviour; double clicking the mask icon always creates a vector mask :)
