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Power User
I see that digital scrapbooking is quite a popular use of Ps, so I decided to have a go. My wife likes to make actual pages & frame them, not sure what people do with the digi ones, maybe print & frame :)

It's still a work in progress, but I have to say, I really enjoyed working on it so far. I was doing this one for my little boy. Creating the individual components keeps the old creative cogs oiled too. I think I will make more elements, and see what I can do.

Starburst with extras.png
I guess it's not for everyone. The layout side of it is not really a challenge, but making the components is fun.

I joined one forum so I could browse what people are up to, and it seems most of them use Ps and some even use Ai, so maybe I just assumed :)
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FWIW, around where I live (Washington, DC area), there is a big chain of arts and crafts stores that in the last few years has switched over a surprising amount of space to "scrapbooking" supplies. I happened to be in one of their stores several months ago, just as they were holding an in-store seminar on scrapbooking techniques, so I eavesdropped for a bit. When the lady started talking about software, she listed a half dozen or so specialized "scrapbooking programs", none of which were PS, Corel's PSP, or any other image editor that I had ever heard of., and she made it a big point to emphasize how easy these programs were to use.

There probably is a huge range of ability levels among the people who pursue this as a hobby, and you are probably seeing one end of the spectrum, but I'm with Sam and would bet that the vast majority are moms who have zero experience with PS (or any other full-service image editor), and don't have any intention of learning one.

Just my $0.02,

I would like to add that it's the scrapbooking that I'm not a huge fan of and not the piece that you posted SPWA. Just to make that clear.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with the hobby and I whole heatedly support it! I'm just not interested.............my GF says it's because I'm a man.

In addition to the chain stores, we have three devoted privately owned and operated scrapbooking stores where I live, all of which seem to be fairly successful. I know one of the owners via a local business association and we have talked at length about the minor trends (around here) towards the digital aspect of scrapbooking and social media (facebook, blogs, etc.). Programs like Photoshop, Gimp, Pixelmator, Illustrator, etc. are specifically avoided by the DIY stay at home Moms due to their complexity.

This could be a niche market for those with self taught Ps skills..............who knows?
