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Things i like to see in CS6


Starting a new offtopic thread again (just seems for that moment that it could be fun). So.

Adjustable brush to which i can set to every filter or adjusment with my parametrs. And be able to work with it as with normal brush - give opacity and radius.
For example, brush hardness 30% with dust and scratches (radius:2, threshold:30).

P.S. hope its not my another failure and that thing allready present in CS5.

Someone else need something from CS6? :)

a) an easier way to create gradients in new layers which remain editable. Not: paint the gradient, if you don't like it, paint it again ... and do it 100 times until you like it!
b) bring back "layer content" where I can just choose I want to layer to be a gradient. I used that so many times and I'm still having to wind my head around other solutions

Finally have the Dodge and Burn tools NOT affect color saturation - only Luminance - as default.
C'mon Adobe !! Shouldn't be too hard ...

Content Aware Fill really be content aware...
Or they could added like with Stamp tool option choosing Mode.
Content Aware Fill really be content aware...
Hush...i hope they will not improve that one. Thats my job :)
Ooopss... yeah - your right... mine too ...

Hey Adobe ! For chris'sake take that awful content aware thing out of the app !!

Better .. ? :)

Much! Or just left it as it is.

For first time boss showed presentation he commented (for joke but still) - now we hire PS5, its cheaper.

But all doubts disapear when i checked its usefulness with real image :)
But all doubts disapear when i checked its usefulness with real image :)
Well - I put it in the category Showroom Stuff. Works on small areas and looks good from a distance.
Larger work.... nahhh... speeds things upp but needs a lot of polishing when done with it's thing..
Got a new one.

Layer effects aplied direct on group without converting it to smart object. That would ease some things.
Already seen this somewhere but I would love for the fonts sample to show the text I want to use in each "sample view, instead of the word Sample
yeah I agree with idad on that 1 I get fed up with loading my font manager so I can just custom preview my text with any font all though i do find some good fonts that way that are not installed yet
And agree with you all about fonts. That would be lovely if Adobe would have own normal build-in suitcase.
