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Another glassy/plastic orb...

Ooo ok Wendy now you're getting really close. You've got some highlights, reflections, and also some glass distortions too... good stuff. :perfect:

Only thing is... the image i'm seeing through the glass ball... it's not correct. Curved glass produces surface type distortions in things seen through it, but not a glass sphere. It doesn't something completely different.
I think everyone would be shockingly surprised to see what looking through a glass ball will reveal about the objects seen through it -- i.e. the effect it has on what you see. ;)

I now wish i could scan my ball with a photo behind it somehow and show everyone what i'm talking about.
Namvet ... nice balls!

Hey Wendy I only see one ball, am I missing something[saywhat]????

Like your last post tooo, you are fast becoming the, the, glass ball expert of Canada.

Namvet... nice balls!

Ha! Ha! Ha! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I've always wanted to say that! :D Joy...look at Namvet's post... he indeed has two balls there! I know a pair when I see a pair! :D

Thanks for the "comp" too, Joy! Looks like everyone will be getting crystal balls for Christmas this year! :rofl:

Okay Mark... I desperately need to look through that crystal ball of yours! In the meantime, here's another effort. :) Personally, I am pleased with this one...
Question for you Mark... as you know, I don't have a glass orb to gaze through, but it's occuring to me that perhaps there is no immediate distortion to the image seen through the orb? I'm scratching my head... [confused]

Seeing as you REFUSE to send me your beautiful crystal ball, please, please, please "reveal the secret"!!!! I beg of you!!!! ;\
wbiss .. Wendy, thanks for the .. err, compliment:) .. and may I say ([shhh] namvet is being very careful with the words he chooses at this moment[shhh]) that your images are great

;\ Thanks Namvet! I really don't know where everybody's mind is at...
Wendy I am really getting jealous. Your orbs :D are really beautiful.

Im still; working on mine [confused]
wbiss -- Wendy, we were talking about Photoshop images .. weren't we? [innocent] I too have absolutely no idea where everyone's mind is either .... however just in case ....
Wendy, we were talking about Photoshop images .. weren't we?

Absolutely! And I'm not about to lower my moral standards to see the 'double entendre' that's implied...:rofl:

:rofl: I have a tendency to wear out those buttons...
Escher has a nice ball: http://mandolux.mine.nu/art/escher.html

The pic on this page is of a reflecting sphere rather than a crystal ball, but just look at his perspective & distortion! Also, enlarge the pic of the eye & see what's in the reflection... Awesome schtuff!
Yes, UglyKaterpillar, I did run across that wonderful pic while researching for this project. It's *awesome*, just totally, totally AWESOME... as are the talents of this creative genius! [excited]

Just gotta say Wendy you are champion of Glass Spheres

Ummmmm... thanks for the comp, Rick, but champion NOT! Call me a hopeful, future, 'contender' in training...

Thanks G! I'm wearing myself "thin" with this one... but then again, what woman isn't happy with dropping a pound or two?

I *need* desperately to know the "secret" of the background, though and will not (I promise) WILL NOT post another effort (in my pursuit for satisfaction) til I know it! :(

I think Mark needs to take a shot of his glass orb before we need to lock you up in a padded room :rofl: :rofl:
I'm sure that he would, if he could, (and I'm not referring to the reference of locking me up in a padded room :rofl: )! Problem is, the photo just isn't going to do 'justice' as to what the eye sees gazing through that crystal ball of his. It'll capture more of the "room/surroundings" reflection than it will the background.

They may take me out in a straight-jacket... but I'm a fighter...:D
I wonder if markzebra would show us how he did his fantastic marbling effect with the globe.
