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Create 3 frame animated GIF

MrToM I can tell by looking at his screenshot that it's not the one you made him with the dots. His frame #3 is corresponding with the bottom layer and your frame #3 is corresponding with the top layer.
This is a three frame animation.

I can tell because I can see the dots changing.

This is the exact same animation with the dots turned off......

It's also a three frame gif animation.

Yes, I know what your trying to create.
Interesting..................it doesn't work for me either. If all the frames are the same, it saves as a gif but has no layers.
The files you sent me......the one with the colors.....shows 3 layers when I open it up in PS......the other one doesn't......so I started from scratch......with a rezzie of 160 x 128.....I need to have 2 files......one @ 220 x 176 as well.......so the one attached is the 160......does this look right so far? If so, where do I go from here?


@IamSam I hear ya buddy but maybe this is the problem...

You are using FILE > SAVE FOR WEB aren't you?

If you use FILE > SAVE AS then yes....you'll just get a single frame gif.

Can you confirm you are using SFW please?

I dunno then.

Your last PSD file saves with those settings just fine.

Even opening in FireFox works without a hitch.

View attachment 57844
(Somebody stole my image....grrrrrrrr!)

Beats me.....as far as I can tell everything should work.

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Ah....right.....bear with me....just tried this in CS6 and yes....I get the same result....a single frame.

Give me a min and I'll investigate.

I appreciate your help with all this......can you create 2 ani gifs from the files attached here? If so I'll plug them in and see if they fly. If they do, maybe you can tell me the process you followed to create them and I'll try it here?


  • BOCES hh.jpg
    BOCES hh.jpg
    13.6 KB · Views: 17
  • BOCES mob.jpg
    BOCES mob.jpg
    20.3 KB · Views: 17
OK....as it turns out this could have been solved in post #4...
Is each frame different?
For some reason in CS6 if the frames are identical it will only save out as a single frame gif.

If you want to save identical frames then you'll have to upgrade....CC 2014 doesn't have this problem....earlier versions may be ok too....I dunno.

Your other alternative is to change just 1px of two of the layers to something different.

I changed the top right corner pixel to RED = 12 for frame #2 and RED = 13 for frame #3....everything else is the same.

Try that.

Interesting..................it doesn't work for me either. If all the frames are the same, it saves as a gif but has no layers.
Sorry IamSam didn't see this post till just now but yeah....I asked in post #4 if all the frames were different.....and that's what the problem turns out to be.

One tries.

Fellas.....I'm sorry I didn't answer that question in post 4......but in post 1 I did indicate that all frames were coming from the same source graphic, which would make for no visible animation. I don't know how to change the color of a single pixel....but previously I did try to make the 3 frames different by changing the percentage of transparency with no joy. I guess I'll have to play with it.

Thanks for your help.
No worries...

I'll investigate further but for now just use the PENCIL tool to change just one pixel in LAYER 2 (the middle one), and another colour for the same pixel in LAYER 3 (the top one).

The reason its not working at the moment is that the frames are being saved by DIFFERENCE only.....if the frames are the same then frames 2 and 3 become totally transparent.....no difference.

CS6 obviously sees this as a waste of space saving blank frames so discards them.....leaving just frame 1.

It may be a setting somewhere that I've forgotten about or it may just be the way CS6 saves gifs.....I'll look into it.


In all my years creating animations in PS, I've never come across this. Either it's an unnoticed glitch from way back when PS animation capabilities was created or it's simply the way PS or CS reads a multiple frame with static layer images when saving as an animated gif. It seems to interpret the data as NO MOVEMENT thus producing a single frame, 0 time delay gif.

I tried all sorts of combinations in time delays and even copy pasted his layer images into a fresh, new document. In PS7IR or in CS6, I get the same results - a single frame gif with 0 time delay.

I experimented with my most recently created animation. Deleted all the layers except one which I used to create a 3 frame animation using different delay time on each frame.

I GET THE SAME RESULT .... a one frame, 0 time delay gif.

But when I added a stroke ellipse in the 2 layer, Save to Web worked producing an animated 3 frame gif

LOL.... as usual.... @MrToM beats me to the punch...... GRRRRRRR......
...In all my years...
Yeah.....strange eh?

I've just discovered that its still the same in CC 2014 too.....I must have done something before as it worked fine but trying again.....nah.

It kind of makes sense though if you think about it....why have two frames the same? You'd just change the display time of the first one if you wanted an identical frame.

Put another way having identical frames rather negates the need for animation.

Yeah.....strange eh?

I've just discovered that its still the same in CC 2014 too.....I must have done something before as it worked fine but trying again.....nah.

It kind of makes sense though if you think about it....why have two frames the same? You'd just change the display time of the first one if you wanted an identical frame.

Put another way having identical frames rather negates the need for animation.


I agree.... unless you add a single pixel color change on each layer image only then will the save be animated - that is if PS detects that tiny change.....

I suddenly remember an old fully animated gif I created with 2 successive frames of the same layer with different delays. When saved as a gif, the 2 frames were saved as a single frame and the delays (in decimals) totaled up. I concluded PS would sum up such frames. But I didn't expect it would also happen like in the OP's case.......
