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  1. J

    Specific Todder Pops

    I need some (wholesome) revenge on a coworker - can someone please help photoshop his face on the cartoon (accurately colored) with the title "Meet the Todders" and the subtext of "Todd the Grapest" and the text bubble saying "I don't support statutory Grapes"
  2. O

    Gradient banding(?) of vector file in photoshop

    Hello everyone, Yesterday I encountered something weird which I'm not even sure how to classify, hence the question mark. So, what happened was that I prepared a rather large Photoshop file, about 45000x7000 pixels, 300 dpi, CMYK. Then I inserted a stock vector file onto the canvas through a...
  3. C

    Specific Removing shadows

    Hey! I need an edit to remove the shadows from the picture. I would like it to look natural in the end :)
  4. D

    I need help with an image of stars.

    Hello everyone, I am trying to make a background for a website and I really liked the idea of making an image of space where the stars move relative to the mouse position. I have an idea how to make it - have one background and 3-5 images with a different set of stars in each, which are layered...
  5. O

    Specific Can you please remove the fat in between my armpits?

    Can you please remove my man boobs and the fat in between my armpits? It’s a really nice photo and I’d love to Instagram it, but I feel really self conscious about my upper chest area. I’ve lost a lot of weight recently but I still have some left over skin. Any help would be much appreciated...
  6. D

    Specific Can you remove the caption from this Picture?

    Can you please remove the caption from this photo? It was taken years ago on Snapchat and I cannot edit it unfortunately. It’s one of my favorite pictures of my best friend.
  7. T

    Specific Car involved in hit & run. Please Help

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help identify the reg (or even part of it) of this car which hit mine? It would be greatly appreciated as they hit my car and sped off :(
  8. N

    Help me with radius in polygon tool please😭

    Hi guys,I never used this before. I really need help with this problem. Iwant to creat some polygons with a polygon tool but It has something wrong with ‘radius’. It can't be set to 0 like usual I ever did. It can't be unconstrained! 😢
  9. C

    Paid Kissing Fix

    Hi all I need this photo to look like they are kissing. Please help! Will pay!
  10. E

    Help please with removing the bill of a ball cap.

    I need to remove the baseball cap bill and have been unsuccessful doing it so far. Content aware appears to be useless. I'd like to blend the highlighted space with the sky. Please advise. Thank you!
  11. W

    Restoration fix dicoloration

    Hi! can someone please help me fix the discoloration on the bottom of my face? This was taken a while back and my cell phone back then was not the best quality. Thanks so much!
  12. S


    Is there any way someone can help me make the background transparent? It's very hard to because of my friends hair, I tried using the lasso tool, refine edge, pen tool, quick selection and changing the background on a new layer. I have no idea how to fix it from here is there anyway anyone can...
  13. H

    How can I make this effect in Photoshop?

    Hey! I want to make this effect (see attachment) only a little bit lighter. How can I do that? Blackwhite? Greyscale? The picture is by me. The human there has a spotlight on him (darken bg, lighten him). I found that look and liked it while masking out in color range in greyscale mode. Also I...
  14. W

    Specific Can you remove text from pic?

    Can you remove text from pic? I tried almost everything and nothing look good...
  15. E

    Photoshop work efficiency

    Hello. Happy New Year :). Tell me about How to do the following in Photoshop: 1. How to cut one text layer into two layers. For example layer with text: TEXT123 into layers: 1) TEXT and 2) 123 2. How to set the size in pixels of a single image (layer)? 3. How to crop a single image (layer)? 4...
  16. DeJaynes

    Help! Pixelation due to layer effect

    I'm having problems getting rid of some pixilation that's being caused by the layer effects. If I flatten the image I can use the smudge or blur tool but that would be a pain. Any suggestions?
  17. G

    Please Help Identify This Font

    This is a logo that I created for a friend who started his own business. I had all of my original files in a folder on my C: Drive and when I reformatted my drive to upgrade my computer I thought it was saved on my storage drive. So I no longer have the actual PSD files. I was only able to...
  18. B

    [Help] Matching my Phone Camera's 'Brightness' Adjustment

    [just to be clear, I'm just asking for general guidance here, I made a post in the 'free request' section if anyone actually wanted to sit around and try to match the images] Hello everyone, I've recently been given a Samsung Galaxy S6 that has a manually adjustable 'brightness' slider. Trouble...
  19. V

    Question before submitting a request

    Hello everyone, I have question regarding to Photoshop and what it is capable to do. I need to modify/transform an image. My image will have 1:2 ratio and will be tileable/sameless (one end fits to other end). At top and bottom there will be not much of texture. I have not yet created it...
  20. C

    How to recreate Light Bleeding/LED Aura (shown in picture)

    Hi all, i've had this idea for an album cover for a live album i've been cutting. Its basically a triangle Strobe or LED in some smoke with a black background (it's the decoration for the Concert they did) But i want to have the same type of light bleeding out from the Triangle as shown in...