Photoshop Gurus Forum

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  1. K

    How to make parallelogram and laying cover with many pages like this?

    Anybody can tell me the main processing steps, or those functions that have to be used, so that I can search for tutorials to learn. Thanks a lot. Kioo
  2. R

    Hello from the Pacific Islands

    Found you guys in my desperate search for a solutions.
  3. T

    Creating a metallic paint effect... how?

    Hi All Just wondering if there's an effect or brush effect that allows one to use a metallic painting effect. Have done a search on youtube to no avail. Any ideas/suggestions/advice?
  4. P

    Help with creating a search engine for Photoshop related tutorials and guides

    Hi all, First of all, I'd like to say that you have an amazing community here - I've been reading some of the posts here and it's a great place for all levels. Secondly, I wanted to ask a few questions, which will help us a lot with an initiative we are now working on. My team and I, from...
  5. M

    After Effects Editing a template in AE

    I'm new to After Effects so I'm hoping someone can advise me regarding editing of templates. I want to create a short 8 - 10 second intro for a series of videos I'm going to make. I've found a template on VideoHive that I really like. It shows a search box where the input text changes into a...
  6. IamSam

    Firefox: Google search display suggestions?

    I'm not sure what has happened, but my FireFox Google search display is now showing results in these panels!!! Any suggestions on how to set it back to normal like this? (this is from a different browser) I have searched high and low and can't find any answers online.
  7. L

    Out-of-line buttons (website issue)

    Just a heads up, not sure if the problem is my end. On the menu button, if I try to click on messages or whatever the button underneath it is, it just constantly hits the search button above, as if it registers that whole line down that side of the screen as one long search button. I'm not...
  8. ZeroCool22

    Adobe Spaces Helper process?

    Adobe Spaces Helper process? [SOLVED] I just installed the last version of PHOTOSHOP "2017", which came out a few days ago and now i see those 3 process with the same name: Some idea how to Disable those 3 process? PD: I tried to search for the service to Disable it but with no luck.
  9. dv8_fx


    A big Thanks to Helios for coming up with this challenge... Challenge #36 - PSG, the album! OK, restless natives..... HERE WE GO.... Welcome to OUTTATUN RECORDS. Post your demo entries here.... All submissions will be hidden and can only be viewed during the voting period. If you have...
  10. O

    Help with grid please

    I'm very new to Photoshop and I'd like to create a 'word search' style design as an element to a separate logo. I'm also working in inches, not pixels, so I'm not too sure if that affects it at all. I'm hoping someone can help me out soon, much appreciated.
  11. A


    Hello everyone!! First of all my name is David from spain (barcelona) so i apologize for my inglish in advance :wink:, after a long time withouth using photoshop i start again, so i search for a good forum where i can learn new tecniques and learn from others, so here i am :).
  12. B

    Hi new to the forum but not at all to PS

    Hi all, I'm from Italy. Joined to this forum in search of answers and I hope may also help someone.
  13. I

    How to make a border wider?

    I'm so new I don't even know what to search for! But this is what I'm trying to do; I have our clubs logo and it's surrounded by an oval border... I need to make that border wider but not change the interior dimensions so the logo still fits in the center but will later allow me to place text...
  14. ugur

    My beginner works

    Hi there, What do you think about this manipulation. I need some review and advise please. There are 7 images in the composition, none of them is taken by me. I collected them from google image search. Thanks.
  15. chitkaran

    My Latest Project for Web Site redesigning - check it out

    Hey ya guys, I have been out of PSG for quite some time now. Was just a bit occupied in family matters and office work.. Here's something that I finished recently. A web-site redesigning for 1. Complete makeover for the website. 2. Search Engine friendly content. 3. Logo...
  16. Paul

    Interesting idea

    I am sure she came here with this request, maybe someone can jog my search finger. Here are her global results, very interesting too.
  17. M

    Q: creating the cartoon filter from camera360 ios app in ps

    Hi Did a quick forum search but my network is very slow here( its my vacation adress) so i ask my question before i do finish a full search .On my iphone i havce this great app called camera360 it has a very nice cartoon effect . I would like to achieve this in PS.But how ? Havent found any...
  18. M

    Find and replace font throughout PS document

    Hello All, Not sure if this is the correct forum for this but I will try it none the less. Is there a way to 1: Find all instances of a font i.e. Arial in a PSD and change all of those instances to another font i.e. Arial Unicode MS without having to select each individual text box or...
  19. iDad

    Help request search

    I need an image of an eagle flying right towards the lens of the camera showing his face and full wing spam. I've been searching everywhere. I have found lots of eagles but none as described.any searching gurus feel like surfing the web? oh 1 thing it has to be high res.the higher the better...