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African Elephant's

Hi Cystal

Nice work again, but as Argos mentioned there's something about the background that doesn't seem right, maybe over saturated
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It is "That Something' that's at bugging the heck out of me...going to do more editing on it.
Thanks guys for your input, will be back with something better when I get rid of that "Something" :rolleyes:
It is "That Something' that's at bugging the heck out of me...going to do more editing on it.
Thanks guys for your input, will be back with something better when I get rid of that "Something" :rolleyes:

It looks like you painted the mid-tones darker in some areas and lighter in other areas?

I look forward to see your adjusted and more natural version.
Much Better! If you want extra work i think that the warm tone on the first one was a good idea, especially that blue (cold) tone in the elephant shadow dont match the image.
I have this nagging feeling while working on the background picture from Pixaby that all wasn't as it appeared to be. Odd shapes, colors and lines appeared in places like it has been altered at some time, may be this is why I won't ever be satisfied with this one, just something isn't right with the original...and that sky what is going on with that thing....really should have replaced it in hind sight but live and learn....
Anyway, this is it for this project added more warmth but its good as I can get it when it isn't playing fair :rofl:

warmth Golden Grass.jpg
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