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Blurred photo and crop

Hi guys,

I am working on one photo, but I just can't make it happen. I need to crop one girl and make photo as sharp as possible. Is there anyone willing to help please?
Since you didn't respond to my question about the desired final aspect ratio, at the time I posted this, I just cropped off the bottom, non-image area.

How's this?

Tom M


  • img003-tjm01-ps01a-01.jpg
    245.5 KB · Views: 3
Here's an 8x11 crop.


I wish you had let us know that a higher resolution version was available when you first posted your request. Yes, it probably would have improved things considerably, for example, I probably wouldn't have tried to sharpen it so much if it had started out larger. Unfortunately, I have to leave the house and go off the air now, likely for at least 12 hours and then become very busy with preparations for a trip. Sorry.

Tom M
Last edited:
Scaled it a bit down and made it A4 size. Sharpened it only a little.
It starts to look wrong if I take it further.
Hope this helps.
