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How did I get this effect on Brush ???



I need help in trying to get the same watermark effect as in the attached picture. This was done by me while trying various Brush effects. Problem is I do not remember what setting I used !!!! I have been trying for last 24 hours but not able to replicate it at all.

I had saved it through Preset Brush and it appears on my 'Brush' panel, but that effect is not there. Please advise on how to replicate it.


  • Cake-watermark.jpg
    97.8 KB · Views: 8
Hello and welcome to PSG.

Use a separate layer for the watermark.

Looks like you lowered the the watermarks layers opacity to 40% or 50%.

Set the the watermarks layers blend mode to "Overlay". That will reproduce the effect your asking about.
Hello and welcome to PSG.

Use a separate layer for the watermark.

Looks like you lowered the the watermarks layers opacity to 40% or 50%.

Set the the watermarks layers blend mode to "Overlay". That will reproduce the effect your asking about.

thanks IamSam,

Tried that just now. still not working.:cry:
I created a new brush with www.photoshopgurus.com, opened up your image and created a new layer and then painted the text on the new layer with the brush tool
Lowered the opacity to 57% and set the blend to softlight

Hey IamSam

Judging by this "I had saved it through Preset Brush and it appears on my 'Brush' panel, but that effect is not there"
I'm wondering if the OP expects the effect to be applied when they use the brush tool
I guess you could set the tools painting mode to softlight, have you tried that?

One thing that may be causing problems is if the brush she's using to test our solutions on has a preset, it may not reproduce the same effect we're getting. She needs to start without the previously saved presets.
I created a new brush with www.photoshopgurus.com, opened up your image and created a new layer and then painted the text on the new layer with the brush tool
Lowered the opacity to 57% and set the blend to softlight

View attachment 64811

trial cake.jpg

@ gedstar

I am at my wit's end. Tried the same thing as you did and still not getting that effect.

Since I am a newbie, will just lay down the process I followed:

Creating brush preset ---
1. New image
2. entered text, cropped it to size and rotated it
3. Did not change anything on the opacity and blend option. By default it was NORMAL and 100%
4. Went to DEFINE BRUSH PRESET, and saved it.
5. Opened my cake image.
6. Added new layer
7.Clicked on brush tool and selected the latest brush
8. Painted it, set opacity to 56-57% and blend option to softlight.
9. Pulled my hair in frustration upon seeing results.

What am I doing wrong ?
You have set the blend mode for both the brush and layer to softlight and and changed the opacity for both.

trial cake.jpg

Try setting the brushes blend mode to normal and opacity to 100% and just change the layers blend mode and opacity

You're also painting with white change the color to black, hit the D key on the keyboard to change the foreground color to black
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Got it finally !!

So the way it worked for me was that I created a brush with text (seen here as TRIAL FOR BRUSH)

I opened the previous image and directly on it applied the brush. Chose LINEAR BURN, with 100% opacity and 100% fill. What made the difference here was COLOUR. I went with grey shades. I found that grey colour gives the desired effect, you can try various shades of grey as per your liking.
