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I'm new, don't bite...

No 2 was straight plagiarism :cheesygrin: I was trying to replicate something I saw online. It's Tom Hiddleston's face:cheesygrin: No 5 was based off the image from the startup of Photoshop!
I'm almost sure that the job you were inspired or copied it's also copied or inpired from other work dont worry about that :cheesygrin:.
I once created a similar thing to your "faceless" image #2 when I was first learning Photoshop, but yours is better than what mine was.
My favourite is also the faceless...
Don't you worry about 'copying' or have your version of an existing work...I think almost every thing has been done in PS.
In the first place you did it yourself with the PS knowlegde you have until now.
The only way to 'master' PS is to try, again and again...and then some more...
It is always refreshing to have a new member not being shy to share his work.
You also should be aware of the fact that critique on a work is always a positive way to learn...
I love discussing a shared work so please, let them come with your eventual questions.
We will advise you the best we can but keep in mind that PS artwork, like any other form of art, is subject to the taste of the individual.
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Hi and welcome to PSG

Not so sure about the eye image and that's just a personal opinion, but the rest look really great, nice work and thanks for sharing, as Lambert said it's nice to have new members showing off their creations, keep it up :thumbsup:
I think all of the 5 creations show a lot of your hidden potential.
So keep practicing, show as more of your work, and don't hesitate to ask questions.
We are friendly and helpful bunch of Photoshop gurus here to help you solve any problems.

Regards Chris
Thanks guys! On the black eye one I was kinda going for the black eyes horror type thing. Would anyone have any recommendations on how to actually make that correctly? I was just using the brush tool. I'm sure there must be something to do with gradients that could make that a bit cleaner.
Thanks guys! On the black eye one I was kinda going for the black eyes horror type thing. Would anyone have any recommendations on how to actually make that correctly? I was just using the brush tool. I'm sure there must be something to do with gradients that could make that a bit cleaner.

Is it the burry effect you're referring to?
Well the eye itself looks kind of a smoky black. I couldn't get the eye part to look more black but also that it was round. The eyebrow and surrounding the eye was supposed to be burry (the image I started with was focused like that). If that makes any sense?
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OK, your intention was to make a creepy black eye ball effect. (If I understood you correctly)
Here's a good tutorial on how to make that effect:

You can blur the surrounding parts if you like.
Give it a try.
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That is exactly what I was trying to do :p I almost had the correct method, but in the video he used the lighting of the natural eye to make it more realistic! Thanks :) this is my post tutorial image...I think this type would look better on an actual person though. There isn't enough detail for it to be the whole image?? What do you think?Creepy eye.jpg
You did followed the tutorial?
You should be able to reveal some details by using a layer mask, using a soft brush at 25% to brush partially away the center of that eye and by so revealing details.
