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In respond to the NOTE on posting for Freelancer

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We hear your pain, this system is not "communication friendly", especially for new members, as we are.
We are trying to post a "paid work" for you...with all details,... we tried already three times and about to give up!
The system is giving Error saying "no links until we have min 5 posts on this forum"
...when there is NO links in our post.

Hopefully Administrator will solve this problem and we are going to try one more time.
The patience to all of us :wink:
Still receive Error: " your Tags exeed 2 times..." something like this.
What does it mean?

There is no links in our post, I copy and paste text from Word document, also one JPG attachment...
Sorry, but we have no time for this.
What is solution?

Please, help.
Hi Hunting Network

I don't really see what your issue could be, unless you have you tags duplicated or not separated by a comma ","

*Only 25 tags allowed, you probably have more than that.
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here is message we are receiving when trying to post:
"The following Error occur with your submission:
The number of tags you tried to add exceeded the maximum number of tags by 2"
I attached screen shot here for your reference.

What does it mean?
We just want to pay your guys for work we need to be done. Would you let it happened?


  • Error.jpg
    1 MB · Views: 5
what you need to do is at the bottom you will see a box with words in these are tags they are generated from the title of your post just delete the last 2 words in the tag box and you should be fine.
I don't know what coding your referring to.
Convert your document to plain text and paste it here.

There may be some formating in the Word document that isn't working here.
Thank you, you were very helpful!
..and because of your help, we didn't give up and could post our "Paid Work offer"
Check it out if you are interested.

All the best for you.
Its the formatting.
This site does not have all the embedded functionality that Word does, so when you copy formatted text out of Word it may have some invisible "tag-alongs" that do not belong. Re-type the document in the text editor on the forum, or by using a simple editor like Notepad.

if not, than it is just a harsh error and you can just E-Mail the details to an administrator and they will update the thread for you I'm sure.

edit: Oh you already did, Okay- Good to hear!
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Thank you, we could overcome and post it.
We took several steps to "clean it up" and one of was to clean up the tags through Notepad.
You were right on invisible "tag-alongs" from Word
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