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Isolating and copying Text Letters


Well-Known Member
I have a very old (circa 1880/1890) photo of my Great Grandfather's General Merchandise store. I'm trying to restore it as well as possible. I've been able to brighten it up and remove some noise using Camera Raw and some adjustment layers, but I can't figure out how to isolate and copy the "e" and "n" in "Merchandise" and place them in the obliterated potion of the term "Gen'L". I can enhance the colors for the words, but I can't do a good copy of the two letters. As best as I can determine the signage says "JJ Willis, Gen'l Merchandise". Any help would be appreciated.

iMac OSX 10.10.5
CC 2015
CS5 - Extended


  • Willis Store_0001.jpg
    Willis Store_0001.jpg
    1.1 MB · Views: 5
I'm no restorer of images, but if i were to even attempt it i would probably try using levels to get the dark areas out more, or even use the channels to see if i could do something there.
Is the version you posted the one you've been working on?
I'm not restoring the photo as I do not know what you want to do with it.
To make it clear I used a curves adjustment layer.
I removed the spot near the text.
I made the letter 'e' darker with the burn tool and used the clone stamp tool to copy it to his place. Did the same with the letter 'n'.
I removed the blue cast as well as I could using an adjustment layer 'color look up - drop blues.

This is the result of 15 minutes work:


There's still a lot of work to do but please do not try to make it perfect, it would lose its charme.
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Yes, it's my only one. I scanned it to a jpg file.
Sorry, just so I'm clear........allow me to re-state. Is the version you posted the one you have made changes to?

"....I've been able to brighten it up and remove some noise using Camera Raw and some adjustment layers,..."
Thanks Eggy, I will work with your methods and suggestions and see how I do! Thanks much!
One suggestion, rescan the photo at maximum dpi your Canon scanner is able to handle.
The file will be bigger but of course also the resolution.

You should be able to achieve something like this:


I desaturated the picture and added a sepia tone (because I like that).
In my eyes there's no need to go further but it is your choice of course.

Thanks to all you guys with your suggestions and procedures (and samples). I would love to use one of your samples, but that wouldn't help me learn, following your different suggestions hopefully will!

There sure is a lot of talent here! Thanks again,
