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Logo Alteration


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

thanks for taking the time to read this.

I coach a Midget AAA baseball team called the Cape Breton Cubs. Naturally we use the Chicago Cubs logo but I'm hoping that someone can alter it a bit to have "Cape Breton" on it. Ive attached the logo I'm looking to alter. If someone could take the time to do a few mock ups for me that would be great. Our ball clubs is made up of 17 players and 3 coaches. We all would greatly appreciate any help you guys could give us.



  • 1016px-Chicago_Cubs_logo.svg.png
    80.2 KB · Views: 5
You may want to clarify how/where you want the text added and whether you want "Cape Breton" or "Cape Breton Cubs". Do you want it to stay round like the original?

With the limited space in the Cubs logo (and potential copyright/trademark issues), you may be better off asking for a fresh design using this as inspiration rather than altering or simply adding text to this design.
Thanks for the reply... there are no copyright infringements when a team is playing under the Little League Organization. Teams are exempt from logo alteration and usage of MLB names while being a part of this organization so no worries there.

As for the photo... just looking to keep the logo but maybe at the top have "Cape Breton" and then maybe on the bottom "Baseball" but wrapped around the blue ring. Not so much that it covers the entire ring but so that it reads "Cape Breton Cubs Baseball" where Cubs is the highlighted feature built into the big centre of the logo. If that makes any sense haha
Thanks for the reply... there are no copyright infringements when a team is playing under the Little League Organization. Teams are exempt from logo alteration and usage of MLB names while being a part of this organization so no worries there.

Good to know :thumbsup:

As for the photo... just looking to keep the logo but maybe at the top have "Cape Breton" and then maybe on the bottom "Baseball" but wrapped around the blue ring. Not so much that it covers the entire ring but so that it reads "Cape Breton Cubs Baseball" where Cubs is the highlighted feature built into the big centre of the logo. If that makes any sense haha

That's clear. Do you want the new text any specific color, or stick to the same red/blue as the Cubs logo?
Looking to have it as the same color scheme. The idea is not to steer too far off from what the original is, but to give it our own little twist
Thats exactly what im looking for but only in the blue ring part... Not sure if white or red would be the color to use tho?
last request with this and its complete... Is there any way to make it have a transparent background? if I save the photo is has like a white box behind it. Im looking to have just the logo with nothing behind it if thats possible. On the one with the white lettering through the blue. Please and thank you.
last request with this and its complete... Is there any way to make it have a transparent background? if I save the photo is has like a white box behind it. Im looking to have just the logo with nothing behind it if thats possible. On the one with the white lettering through the blue. Please and thank you.

The logo has a transparent background

How are you viewing the image, it's a PNG file with transparent BG, here's what it looks like with 2 different viewers



The downloaded file should have a .png extension
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All I did was click on it and save it here.... then when I open it from my files on my mac it opens it in preview and it has like a white background behind the photo. Not sure how to get rid of it
Any png will always be displayed with a background but you have to remember it's the background of the application you're using and not the png file
Anyway glad you got it sorted :thumbsup:
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Hey guys, sorry to bother you... My assistant coach wants to be a bit more original with the design and mentioned doing a different color scheme mash up with another team...

Can someone give this a go for me?

Take the "Cubs part out of the logo below....


and place it in the Nationals logo:


using the same font in the nationals logo... erase Washington and put in "Cape Breton" and then erase Nationals and put in "Baseball" and please erase the stars in the logo.

If it could be the color scheme of the nationals logo that would be great.

this is the lsat time I will post about this and once its done we can choose from either option. If no one wants to give this a go.. i completely understand. Thanks again.

