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3D Missing Features in Photoshop 3D

I work with Photoshop CS6 Extended.
I upgraded from CS5 in December, 2013.

With my 3D work, I came to a limit. I could not duplicate objects, and I could not delete objects from a scene.
I have found a Tutorial that uses these 3D features, but I can't find them in my PS version.

The first screenshot is from the tutorial, the red frame shows the features in the pulldown menu I would like to use.
Duplicating Objects?.jpg

The second screenshot is from my iMac, the little red frame shows where these features are missing. (Sorry German Version).
Duplicating objects missing functions.jpg

Can one of you guru help or explain please, what I should do with this issue.

Can't help you Chris, I have CC2015.
I had CS6 but not extended.
chrisdesign - I have CS6 Extended on my old laptop, if nobody answers till tomorrow morning, I will check in the office, but I would need description where to find this menu.
1. Open a new document in PS. Typet in some text.
2. On the top bar you click 3D. This opens a pop up menu. Choose New 3D extrusion.

This creates a 3d text.
PSG 3D.jpg
In the 3D menu click on the right corner. This opens another pop up menu. This is the one with the missing features in my PS version.
See my my first post.

Thank you.
Hi Chris

This is what I have on my laptop with CS6 extended, is this the same as what you see.


Is this the tutorial you're following?

Just checked it on CC2015 on my PC and the options are there


It would appear you're not alone

Found this thread

I noticed that tutorial is for CS6 and CC so I would assume these options are only available on CC and above
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Thank you gedstar for your screenshots and links.

So now I know I'm not alone with the problem.
But it's once more a really irritating way of Adobe to try force people to buy CC. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

3D Menu Items missing.jpg
With my 3D work, I came to a limit. I could not duplicate objects (green), and I could not delete objects (red) from a scene.



Chris, in the properties box, when you select an object, in this case 'wijn' (wine) and rightclick on it there's a dropdown box where on top the possibility to 'delete object'.
In the same dropbox there's a possibility to duplicate objects.

That is for CC2015 but check it out in CS6 extended!
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I may be missing something, but all you need to do is duplicate the layer, then merge them.

Yes but apparently in CS6 only in the layers panel.
In CC2015 you can duplicate or delete an object in the 3D panel without passing the layers panel first to merge the new 3D layer.
Yes but apparently in CS6 only in the layers panel.
In CC2015 you can duplicate or delete an object in the 3D panel without passing the layers panel first to merge the new 3D layer.

Yes there is an extra step in CS6, but the result is the same.
