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Need help recreating a certain patchiness - Difficult to explain in a title.


New Member


This is my first time posting. I'm not quite a "Newbie" as I've been using Photoshop for years but I never properly learned, I just figured things out for myself mostly.

I need some help with something but it's a little obscure.
I'm making an album cover and I've decided that I'm going to make the digipak cases myself by printing onto card and folding/glueing etc.
I used the sun in the image in a sort of prototype cover that I did a while back but it was only for the front page. I want the sun graphic to cover the whole of the packaging so that when it's all folded and glued together, there are no gaps and the sun rays/background colour/anything else will run continuously around the packaging but the one that I have isn't big enough.
I've made a much larger one on top of a digipak template but what I'm trying to do is repeat the patchiness of the original image (the one I've uploaded) with this larger graphic.
As stupid as it is, I can't remember exactly how I did it.
I know it was just one solid colour to begin with, then I erased a large area of it, retaining the edges. Then I think I filled it in again but I can't remember what I did next.
I'm sure that however I did it, it isn't a very well documented method and it probably took a lot more effort than it needed to.
Has anyone got any idea how I might have done this? Or any other ideas of how to recreate this?

Thanks in advance,

I dont think it is that complicated all you need to do is have a good template ti vegin with you can find a free 1 here CD / DVD Case: 7 Free Great Looking Photoshop Templates

and then you just need a starburst effect either from a custom shape or brush
Photoshop Custom Shapes – Ornaments « Graphic Design Blog

or a basic tutorial
Photoshop Effects - Starburst Background - Page 5

and then just use a splatter brush
Photoshop Splatter Brushes ~ Smashapps.org

and that is pretty much your whole cover redone
Thanks a lot for your reply,

I have the template that I need and I have no problem re creating the rising sun, it's just the effect on the sun which I was looking for.

I think some of those splatter brushes might be just the trick. The only problem is that I kind of like doing stuff myself. As great as those brushes look, I feel uneasy about using pre-made stuff rather than my own originals.
I could have just downloaded a rising sun graphic and used that but instead I looked into how to make one from scratch.

I suppose making some brushes of my own is the solution to this. If I can do that. I'll have to look into it I suppose.
Well just create a new square document White background and paint whatever you like your brush pattern to be.
Then select all
Edit > define brush preset once saved it will be the last brush in your brush pallet
