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Specific Remove person behind me in the background


Hi everyone! I would like to have removed the person in the bright red shirt right behind me. I've been trying to retouch the photo on my own but it was so hard to clone and fix the ground in order to respect the geometry of the stones. So I really need the help of an expert!
If possibile i would like to have removed also the girl in the pink shirt and with a mask walking on the right side of the picture.
I don't expect to have removed all the people in the background bc it would be too way complicated.
Thanks in advance! :)
Here's a shot at it. The pink mask wearer is problematic and I'll let someone else with the time do it. I quickly changed the skew on the image as an aside but you might not like how it further distorts your perspective.

Nice shot

delete 1_2.jpg

delete 1_2a.jpg
Here's my attempt. For the woman on the right in the pink sweater, I desaturated and darkened her clothes so she's much less noticeable.
My wife came down into my computer cave to schedule stuff and the photo was still up. Without prompting she said the woman in pink is distracting ... why don't you change the color to something that doesn't stand out. Didn't even occur to me. <SIGH>

Good job.
