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Removing fence from photo


I have photoshop but am very new to it. I attempted to remove the fence from this photo, but had a very tough time making the shadows and the elephants feet look real (with toenails and all) after removing it.
Would someone be willing to give it a try?
Thanks so much! :)


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There we go! I was uploading from my phone so I guess it didn't work the first time round. It's posted now, thanks!

I just wanted to let you know that I have been working on this edit. It is a very complicated edit and I have only had a limited amount of time to actually work with it.

Here is a progress shot........
Screen Shot 2016-10-10 at 12.08.03 PM.png

As you can see I have most of it done and am working on the Elephants front legs.

Hopefully, there wold be other members who have attempted this edit.
Sam, your post popped up just a second ago as I was typing this. I've been working on this for many hours and also found it to be very complicated. I'm curious to see how yours comes out and how you addressed the problem of filling-in the lower legs behind the fence..

This is the best I could do, but I did enjoy the challenge. There is very little usable skin on the lower legs to grab as a sample for the Clone Stamp, so once I removed the fence and shadows I had to graft the feet and lower legs from two different elephants onto yours. (I hope your elephant isn't offended by this. I never realized how different elephants can be.)

Wow- That looks SO amazing! Thank you so much for taking the time to work on it, I really appreciate it! How did you get the toenails to look so real?
I just saw the one from you Rich- that looks incredible as well! Thank you both very much for working on this :)
How did you get the toenails to look so real?

They are the real toenails of a different elephant. The hard part was getting the colors to match and then transitioning that onto the original elephant.

(Sorry, I thought this question was for me.)
Sam, your post popped up just a second ago as I was typing this. I've been working on this for many hours and also found it to be very complicated. I'm curious to see how yours comes out and how you addressed the problem of filling-in the lower legs behind the fence..
Sorry! This has been quite a challenge! Now that you have posted yours, I can stop! LOL!!!

My plan is to reconstruct as much of the front legs as I can from the original image and then, like you, I would use the feet of another Elephant image as I did with the hind leg/foot. Perspective is the key.
Hey Sam!
Were you able to get the front legs as well? I would love to see your finished product too!
Thanks :)
Nice work Rich!

I have just finished the upper part of the right front leg using the pixels between the fence slats............very tedious Clone stamp work.
I still need to add in the toes and shading.
Screen Shot 2016-10-10 at 10.49.12 PM.png
Awesome job Iamsam, the only think i see is the piece of log between the leg and between the legs and the elephant trunk. The rest looks prefect to me :yourock:.

Awesome job Iamsam, the only think i see is the piece of log between the leg and between the legs and the elephant trunk. The rest looks prefect to me :yourock:.

Good catch! I did not see that! An easy fix. Thanks!
This looks so amazing Sam! Thank you so much for spending so much time on that. I really really appreciate it! :) :)
Your welcome! It has some flaws and it's not quite where I wanted it, but as I said it's close. Just so you know, I did spend a fair amount of time on this edit but not as much as you may think. I was only able to work on it between projects which is why it took so long. :lol:
