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Text on Circle- Cursor will not change from I beam


I am a new-bee. I read and watched Youtube video on how to wrap text on a circle.

I did the following:
1. Turned on my Path view under windows
2. Created a new file. Used default settings.
3. Clicked on the Elipse
4. Selected the Path Icon at top. Second one
5. Hit Shift and created a circle, The path is now listed as work path to the far right.
6. Selected Text
7. Moved the cursor (I-beam) to the edge of the circle. Moved very slowly to try to find the sweet spot.

It never changes to the 'squilled' I-beam.

How do I get the cursor to change? Is there something else I should select or deselect?
Between steps 5 & 6 double click your path in the paths pallets to save it. I have much better luck doing this after I have saved the path.
1. I went to work path and double clicked and it saved it as path1
2. Moved the cursor to the edge of the circle

Still no change in the shape of the cusor
dud you select the work path first so it had lots of little squares around it once you do that and select the text tool and move cursor inside the path it will fill up the area within the path if you put cursor on the path line then it will just follow the outline of the path
1. I created the circle
2. Saved the path
3. Clicked on the path
4. Selected the make selection, Used default settings
5. It created the dancing ants around the circle

Are those the little squares you referred too?

6. Selected text, but nothing happens.
Obviously you don't understand the basics of Photoshop yet, and you're trying to run before you learn to walk. Paths and marching ant selections are two entirely different things. My advice is, if you really want to learn Photoshop, get a book and learn the basics first.
Ok simple step guide
select marquee tool eliptical or square marquee
draw out the shape
move the cursor inside the shape right click and select create working path
select the text tool and then click inside the shape to fill that shape with text
select the outline of the shape to follow that shape
begin to type
here is a demo video to show you what I mean
no voice my mic is broken at the moment
Wow!!! I stand and applalud your expertiese Hoogleman. The video was very enlightning as to what can be accomplished. I think my problem is I have Photoshop 7 and read on Yahoo where I can't accomplish writing text to follow the curve using PS7 software.

Thanks for your usual cooperation in helping newbees like me.
