May be someone can help me, please, as I am frustrated with the snipping tool when I want to print a few paragraphs received in an email that occupy a larger space than the area of my 17-inch laptop screen.
I have just discovered the snipping tool in Windows 10, and I have no problem using it to make a rectangular selection of a short paragraph or two received in an email. However, if I try using the snipping tool to select, say, three paragraphs, one of which can only be seen on screen if I scroll down, the snipping tool will select only the first two paragraphs.
If I scroll down to the third paragraph, the snipping tool vanishes. Trying to retrieve it (the snipping tool, I mean) does not solve my problem as I cannot use the tool to snip all three paragraphs together at one go.
I hope I am making myself clear and I thank you in advance for your help.
I have just discovered the snipping tool in Windows 10, and I have no problem using it to make a rectangular selection of a short paragraph or two received in an email. However, if I try using the snipping tool to select, say, three paragraphs, one of which can only be seen on screen if I scroll down, the snipping tool will select only the first two paragraphs.
If I scroll down to the third paragraph, the snipping tool vanishes. Trying to retrieve it (the snipping tool, I mean) does not solve my problem as I cannot use the tool to snip all three paragraphs together at one go.
I hope I am making myself clear and I thank you in advance for your help.