Photoshop Gurus Forum

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  1. T

    Hello people :3

    I really don't have that good of photoshop skills and I joined to look at how others do their photoshops. So im happy to be here and nice to meet you all :3 :cheesygrin:
  2. Eggy

    Happy Birthday MrToM

    A Happy Birthday to you MrToM...:wave1::wave1: :beerchug:
  3. Eggy

    Happy Birthday to gedstar

    A Happy Birthday to you Ged! :wave1: :beerchug:
  4. BenceDusa

    My Hypster Logo

    Hello :) I'am very new to Photoshop, so like every beginner, learning from videos, and forum's and that the reason why i'am here. Today i create my first hypster logo, witch not the best and professional, but my very first logo, and let me tell you, am very happy what i just done whit this...
  5. O

    Star Wars - Chewbacca Logo Image edit

    I'm hoping to make a "Wookiee Tape" Logo for a convention coming up. I would love to have Chewbacca's face on the logo and for it to say "Wookiee Tape" and not "Gorilla Tape". I would be happy to send you one of the pins I create if you can help me out! Thanks so much.
  6. M

    Martin from UK

    Hey guys, nice to be here. I'm an illustrator, I'm using cs4, and just for drawings. Happy to learn new tricks, feeling like I got stuck:) Thanks!
  7. L

    Need feedback (and help if possible) on TWO war hero images

    Hi all, So I'm new (ish) too fixing up photos in photoshop and have attempted to fix up two deceased family members, my great grandfather who served in WW1 and his son (my grandfather) who served in Royal horse guards in the 50's and saw active service in Cyprus during their 'disaster' I'm...
  8. chrisdesign

    Happy 2017

    Wish you all a happy and healthy 2017. Regards Chris
  9. S

    Happy New year

  10. fredfish

    Happy 2017 to all

    Have a great 2017 !! - Click image for full effect :thumbsup: Cheers John
  11. gedstar

    Wishing you all a very Happy New Year

    :hi: From the staff here @ PSG wishing you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. See you all in 2017 :beerchug:
  12. D

    Help mom have all 4 kids smile in one pic

    My youngest doesn't ever cooperate for family pictures...all I want for Christmas is a family photo of all of us looking in the same direction and not crying haha please help! I attached the family pic where 5 of us, and 2 dogs, are good....and a photo that I'm at least happy with the lil boy...
  13. R

    UK newbie says hello!

    Hi guys! Rhia from the UK here, currently studying for ACA exams :cheesygrin: Happy to have joined the forum and looking forward to chatting with you guys.
  14. gedstar

    Happy Birthday Eggy

    Happy Birthday Eggy enjoy your day :wave1: :beerchug:
  15. gedstar

    Happy Birthday to Hoogle

    Happy Birthday Hoogle enjoy your day :wave1: :beerchug:
  16. D

    Simple modifications (i guess)

    Hello, i would like the same draw but with some differents things, i would like the girl to have like burgundy/red hair and guy blond hair and simply remove the text, and if possible to put it in PNG so there is no white font, would be really happy if someone do it thank you very much :)
  17. gedstar

    Happy Birthday to Revnart

    Happy Birthday Revnart :wave1: enjoy your day :beerchug:
  18. gedstar

    Happy Birthday to MrTom

    Happy Birthday MrTom :wave2: :beerchug:
  19. agentmoeller

    The Joker

    I'm still considering this a WIP, as I am not happy with the background, but way too tired to fix it right now. Any suggestions? Agent
  20. Eggy

    3D Split Coffee Mug

    Another experiment to find out how PS 3D works: I mentionned coffee but it could even be hot chocolate. :cheesygrin: I think this is the 10th version and honestly I'm still not happy with it. No need to say that only the mug was rendered and the rest was added later. This is not spectacular...