Photoshop Gurus Forum

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  1. iDad

    I'm not new. Crap, I'm old. Old member Old person.;)

    Just saying HI and touching base with anyone that remembers/still here. I'll try to say Hi more often or suggest help tips when I can.:mrgreen:
  2. LemonLuuk

    Any tips and tricks for my artworks?

    I'm kinda struggling with making eyes as realistic as possible WITHOUT a drawing tablet. Because they are pretty expensive for me. So, here my question: Does anyone have any tips or tricks to improve the eyes?
  3. M

    How to animate/cartoon yourself

    Hey I've practiced on a few techniques from tutorials but I'm really liking how this was done on this cover here. Anyone have any tips on how to achieve this look in photoshop, is this a plugin or something?
  4. S

    Old (photo)Letter from my mom

    I have a blurry photo of an old letter my mother wrote to me and my little brother/sister on christmas, I cant make much of it out. I dont know much at all if any about photo editing Any help or tips to make it readable would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  5. Y

    Can someone edit this for me?

    Hi! Soo... Im not that great at graphic designing. So I was looking for help. I'll take tips, but I was looking for someone to edit a picture for me. All I need is someone to edit it with the word Solitude.
  6. LemonLuuk

    Cover design. Need help.

    I am very happy with how it turned out but i'm wondering what do to with the text. Like giving it more depth. Tips?
  7. L

    Turning white objects into color

    Hi all, I am new to this group. I joined with hope to get really helpful tips! I am working on a job that consists of coloring a WHITE headboard into 28 different colors (specific furniture finishes). I have not been successful in finding out how to do this. I have tried the color...
  8. T

    Hello Hello

    well, obviously i'm new. i'm TJ been using photoshop since CS2, for mostly my art (to color) hoping for some help and tips to improve. :) cheers
  9. M

    Logo and header request for a twitter page

    Hello. I will open a new twitter page and I am going to post daily sports betting tips. Concept The theme of the page will be bullets, and the name will be edited. The targeted audience will be males 18+. What I need -One profile picture with a bullet, it can be happy, with thumbs up. You can...
  10. J

    Hello! Thank You For Having Me! J

    Hello! Thank you all for having me! I can hold my own with Photoshop and am always willing to help others learn more and pick up some extra tips. Thanks! J
  11. LemonLuuk

    You guys like it?

    Tips and tricks?
  12. LemonLuuk

    What y'all think about my CD cover art?

    Tips n tircks?
  13. J

    Hi, New member from Central Coast NSW Australia

    G'day all, Just registered. new to the forum, not new to photoshop. I've been using since photoshop version 5.5. With any of these programs, you can always learn more and that is one of the reasons I'm here. I never want to stop learning. So hopefully I can pick up more tips from other users...
  14. A


    Hello Everyone I am Abbey. I am new to Photoshop and learning tips and tricks from YouTube videos. I like to experiment with different styles in text and its aesthetic enhancement. Hope to find some cool tips and friends here :) Thanks and Have fun !!
  15. A

    tips for web designing

    Hello guys Ali here , recently our class teacher give is assignment " Design website in photoshop " . For this i want you guys to give me some tips about webdesign and ideas . Thanx in advance
  16. R

    making rust on car

    Hello everybody, I need a little help?! See the picture of the Camaro ! what is the best way to make this? does any one have some tips or trick? kindest regards rene1975
  17. T

    First try!

    Hi, this is my first try of some photoshop manipulation. Do anyone have some tips for better color matching?
  18. M

    HELP: How to achieve this dark effect

    I have seen this done a lot and each time I see it, I fall in love with it even more (the "after" photo). I am not sure what this effect or technique is called, but does anyone know how this is done? Is there a name for this technique, or a particular plug-in/filter? I can't seem to find any...
  19. Z

    Whats this effect called ?

    Whats this effect called ? I think its pattern overlay ?? or brush work?? Any tutorial or tips r really appreciated cheers n regards zoe20
  20. P

    Help with some Star Wars Recreation?

    Hello! I've got an image I'm trying to capture the effect of: I'm trying to make a toy Tie Fighter have that washed out, basic sillouette, but can't get it right. Here's my image: Any tips? I really want to get better so I can create some good toy-photography composites. Thanks! -Pierce